Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Controlling volume is an odd thing to deal with on an all digital synth. It’s one of the few things I’d list as a negative for the Argon8. When you are working with effects, you need to adjust patch gain, along with main volume, and some effects (chorus and rotary) lose a lot of signal. In my setup I had to use a mixer effect in my DAW to add some makeup gain, as 125% was not loud enough.

That said, the Argon8 does sound lovely when you can hear it clearly :slight_smile:


As I’ve used it a lot at this point I can say that there are only a few things I would want to see improved, and as-is it’s a great synth.

It’s strongest feature is the high sound quality. It has many bells and whistles, but for me the real reason the Argon8 holds my attention is that it sounds great (to my ears).

It can certainly do percussive sounds, and there are a few patches to show that, but it really depends on your expectations. I plan to make percussion and sample it into my DT so I’ll know more as I get some first-hand experience.


Kind of a strange video, but this is basically what I do when I get home from work.

I sustain a note on the Argon8, and mess with osc mods, waves, etc. I find it relaxing.


I did end up returning my Argon8 (and writing a letter to Modal about how they might have told people about these plans before Argon8s started shipping; like I said, peeved. I love the synth, but really disliked that timing. Modal wrote back and thanked me for the candid response), but that was only so I could purchase an Argon8X when they become available.

I’ll be back to share and engage when I can play an Argon with that octave I was always reaching for and never finding on the 37-key edition. @Gino keep up the good work!


Thanks for taking the time to make this video. It’s interesting to hear when the sweet spots are being hit as I can also begin to hear some of it’s potential.


Good call, that’s the same decision I would have made, get those extra keys! Aren’t the people at Modal nice?

Glad that worked out, and good job being honest, truth is rare now days :slight_smile:

Modal has been surprisingly direct in their responses, and I’ve been appreciating that.

We’ll hopefully see you with more keys in the near future!

Sounds great.
Saw the module is coming soon to Juno, nice price.

Has anyone compared this directly with the Micromonsta yet? UI aside they seem to have a lot in common.

OK one more of these “Waveform Watching” videos, then back to more normal ones :slight_smile:


Wow Gino these are really nice! Very cool, I didn’t expect it to be interesting, and then I was hypnotized :joy:



LOL - When I’ve been doing these I keep thinking “All hail hypnotoad!” :slight_smile:


Added another tutorial style video for the Argon8. In this one I talk about using wave tables to form different attack sounds.

  • Real time sequencer with number 512 steps with input quantise and four recordable / editable animations

Please may somebody explain to me what four editable animations are?? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s knob movement recording in 4 lanes I guess.

I believe it has 4 automation lanes, similar to the Minilogue. For example, tweaking the filter cutoff while the sequencer is recording, it will record that motion and replay it.

Yep, that’s correct

Awesome thanks!

Seems the 8m has less knobs than the keyboard versions. Do owners have an opinion - how crucial are these missing knobs?

As it can access 100% of the features, it should be fine. Isn’t the only change that they used push encoders vs having a button and an encoder?

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