Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Gave my Argon8 some color so I can see the knobs better in low light…Not sure If I like the multi color, might reduce it to one or two colors, but I do kinda like it with some color.

Just using 1/2" stickers which sit perfectly flush with the knob tops. The photo makes it look like they protrude over the edge due to the shape of the knobs, but they’re actually flush and follow the rounded edge of the knob.

Now I just need to get some 1" stickers for the Filter and Volume.


Added another video. In this one I talk about voice panning and wav mods.


Thanks for the videos Gino, you’re doing a good job showing how the synth works and it’s fun to see that you’re passionate about it!

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You’ve turned it into a Jen SX1000!

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Haha, it was wasn’t intentional/consciously, but I have always loved the look of the Jen, and as soon as I’d finished and looked at it, I said the exact same thing.

It’s also sat next to a Polyend/Dreadbox Medusa in my studio, which as the colored knob pack, so that also inspired it.

My first synth, that.

How’s the Medusa? Despite having no need for one, I seem to be forever curious about it.

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Nice, still have it?

The Medusa has me a little bitter to be honest. First two I received had to be returned. First one the screen was dented in, second one had a tuning issue.

I never really got into it, as hard as I tried. Then a month after I bought it, they dropped the price by $300. Recently tried to sell it, but Juno did a Christmas sale at a silly price, so anyone that wanted one got one super cheap with that.

So I’ve since resigned myself to the fact I’m keeping it. I’m going to spend some more time with it and see if I can click with it. Not sure why I haven’t yet, it’s a cool and unique piece of kit to be fair.

The pad side can work as an MPE controller, so I’m going to try it with the Hydrasynth and see where that takes me.

unfortunately not… it gradually died a death, and at the time I decided to move it on rather than invest in fixing it.

That’s a shame about the Medusa issues - I’ve found Polyend to be pretty personable and helpful, so it’s a stinger that you had issues. I owned a Seq prior to buying my OT and thought it was great. Something about the Medusa appeals to me still, and you’re right - the Juno pricing (I think they may be selling them again at £499; they certainly were a week ago) definitely tempts me.

Yeah, Jace at Polyend was super helpful and supportive, I’d definitely buy more of their products based on that.

I’ve actually been curious for a while about the Seq, and was planning on putting the funds from selling the Medusa to one. It interests me for programming drums.

They’re not selling the Medusa that cheap anymore, but now have the Seq at a silly price.

it’s stupidly fast to compose on as it’s laughably simple to use - not so much an instruction book as a single piece of paper. Ultimately though, it cant do anything that the OT cant, and obviously the OT has a whole lot more besides. They’ve long said they were developing the ability enter user defined chords per track and not just single notes or pre-selected chords from their own prescribed list; if that ever comes to fruition then i’d certainly recommend it. I found it a little limiting ultimately without that… however as I say, it was really fun to write with.

do you still have the Seq?

I don’t use the OT as much as I should. The Seq appeals for the immediacy of having all 8 tracks in view at once, and with 32 steps in view, and timing per track, it seems to be perfect for drums.

na, flogged it to fund the OT. And yes, visual feedback is second to none really, and if it’s for drum usage, then my biggest gripe isn’t really an issue either. Very well built too.

You’re not exactly helping my GAS haha

ok, let me try and pick other faults then…

  1. the OS update method was horrible. Managed to brick mine doing it, and it was a panicked few hours trying to resolve. (though ultimately their customer service won out and it got sorted via numerous emails)

  2. It’s massive. Like, ironing board massive.

  3. The pattern chaining method used to annoy me - it occupies a physical step in your sequence, so your placement of the chaining “trig”, needs to be carefully considered as you cant have a separate event on the same step.

  4. Muting and unmuting tracks as a whole on the fly is less speedy than it is on the OT.

Yeah, that didn’t work. Haha. Thanks for trying.

order direct and say hi from me then :smiley:

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FYI - Modal updated MODALapp, MODALplugin and the OS to 1.2

MODALapp will update the Argon8 to 1.2

The only new feature I’ve seen so far is the sustain latch.

Unfortunately I’ve been unable to get MODALplugin (the VST) to work with FL Studio, and I’m working with their tech support to figure it out.


I was disappointed to find no other new features and had to remind myself that I bought the synth for the feature set it had at launch, and that a steady stream of new features on a synth is still a relatively new concept. I remember when we were lucky if we even got bug fixes, let alone loads of new features on a synth :slight_smile:

That said, I do hope they honor us with a few nice extras at some point. Some extra mod slots and destinations are very welcome :wink:


Yeah it’s a pretty awesome world where rad new features just jump inside our instruments!

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