Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

I’ve updated - new envelopes are awesome and audio levels much improved! :slight_smile:

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So do you plan to buy again ?

Maybe I did? Maybe I will buy again at some point… I think my unit not booting properly every time pushed me over the edge to return it…

But like I mentioned in a previous post, there is a lot to like about the Argon8 too… and this 2.0 firmware sounds like an improvement, but it should have been version 1.0… I just don’t like beta testing gear for free :no_mouth:

Maybe Modal felt the competition from ASM and released the Argon8 prematurely?

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I don’t know about the first part, they shouldn’t have, but the second part is true imo. So easy to Monday morning quarterback, isn’t it. (Are American idioms acceptable discussing a British product ?) The report is they’ve been under some financial pressure and so getting a return on investment has been a real thing. Would slipping past Christmas have benefitted them? That’s a debatable point. Things have worked out well enough in general, except for people like yourself, that had to make adjustments.

Could they have swapped the order on the X and M and V 2.0 ? Perhaps. Nice that they got these changes done.

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@Jukka I had to google that! :laughing: You are right… it is easy to criticize someone, but the market for music gear is very competitive and difficult for small manufacturers. I hope Argon8 will do well for Modal!

Maybe I’ll get the X or the M at some point. Sadly my local music store has closed down last year after 40 years (I had been going there for 30 years). I would like to try the M and X hands on, instead of ordering online and sending it back… I am very OCD about little details and I would like to see if the finish is better on the M and X, maybe the rough edges (boot issues, sharp edges on the push buttons, artifacts on the leds) were only on the first batch?


The new envelope modes are a huge upgrade. The “long” modes open up the mod envelope to make this synth even more of an evolving pad monster.

That sounds like a lemon to me… :face_with_thermometer:


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I had the exact same problem with mine, same key. Returned it for a refund.

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Here is the main video that they showed in the Argon8 webinar. It’s a very strong update, and the sequencer IMO is the most interesting bit with it’s new trigger modes, and arp integration, I really need to explore that more.

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They really knocked this one out of the park. With these updates, Argon8 is shaping up to be a soundscape monster.

The polyphonic step sequencer is really sweet, and it’s all reasonably quick from the front panel and even faster from the app.

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Does anyone know if the ‘stereo’ audio in will accept a mono signal? Thanks

Yes, but I’ve been unable to use the “audio in” because the levels are very very low. We routed a mono signal from a modular into it a few months back, but found it not to be usable.
Which was a shame as we wanted to use the A8 effects.
Even with the audio in at full volume it was about 25% of what we expected.

Anyone have a different experience?

Have you tried running anything else into it? Like your Digitakt or whatever, just to see how the levels are from something like that? Just curious.

There are two line levels – consumer level (around 0.32 V_RMS) and professional level at (1.23 V_RMS). You see that’s about 25% . You can get boxes for shifting between levels. (Like the Morley/Ebtech Line Level Shifter.)

There is also modular line levels that are often hotter than normal professional line level.

I don’t know if that’s what going on in this case, but that’s where i’d be looking. What’s the spec on the Argon8 inputs? I wouldn’t expect the Argon8 to be the culprit without a little more research, and regardless this can be dealt with.

There is also the question of balanced and unbalanced to consider when dealing with line level signals.

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That sounds like an impedance mismatch, but I’m afraid that’s where my knowledge ends.

My original plan was to use the Argon8 audio inputs to sample into the DT. Then I wouldn’t need to unplug things to sample from my phone.

My phone playing through the audio input of the Argon8 was the same problem, very low volume. I then unplugged the Argon8 from the DT, and plugged my phone directly to the DT and it sounded good (normal levels).

I tried a few cables to rule that out as well.

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Thanks, that sounds like a possibility. I’ll have to explore it further.

Worth mentioning that even when we increased the gain from the modular, it sounded thin when we ran it through the Argon8.

My Argon8 has been awesome, but I think this might be something that isn’t working right in my unit. I can’t imagine these levels being normal.
I’m OK without the feature, as I’ve worked around it.

Not a lot of details in the manual:

Best regards,



Yeah that’s always possible, that the Argon8’s work in general, but yours is defective. In the case of gain at the input or the output that’s a little more difficult to ascertain – especially without a specification to compare it too. With a signal problem like this though you might expect other problems, like beside low volume there is also distortion. It’s always helpful too if you can compare two (or three) different units, if you are percieving that somethings not right.

Comparing notes on-line isn’t bad either.

Sorry i can’t be more helpful.

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Did you run the digitakt through it? If not can you try?

Just tried it, and the same result. Very low volume, and very thin.

I used the headphone jack on the Argon8 to listen, and the synth was about 4 times louder than the Digitakt coming in through Audio In. I turned the Digitakt all the way up, and it was still less than a normal level - and we all know the DT gets plenty loud! :slight_smile:

I made sure Audio In was at 127, and that effects were off for Audio In.

Has anyone else with an Argon8 tried the Audio In?