Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

Sorry if my message was not very clear. If I can use the Digitakt as the master clock but still use the Argon sequencer that would be ideal! The issue i am having is when I have got the digitakt set up as master the argon sequencer won’t play. When I hit play on the digitakt the play and velo button:on the Argon light up but nothing happens after that. How do you have everything set up?

In Digitakt settings -> Midi -> Sync, have you activated “transport send”? You might also have to activate transport receive on the Argon8 somewhere in its menu.

Thanks man, looks right, I’ll have a look at it next time I use it.

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Yup. Transport send has been activated and the Argon receives the message, lights up but doesn’t play. If you are not having the same issue then it may just be a defect with my gear. Will contact modal. Thanks for the support!

Welcome to the club! :slight_smile:

For me the Argon8 is a great sounding and versatile synth. I use it very often, and agree with just about everything you said. It really is a fantastic instrument for the price.

You should also check that the Argon8 is set to receive transport.
it’s in Settings - Midi, DIN In - Transp = ON

For me the DT has such a killer sequencer that I send notes to the Argon8 (and not the other way). I do like to have the Argon8 synched though because the lights animating across it help greatly when recording midi into the DT. I have the length of the Argon sequencer to 4 bars.

if you are still stuck I can make a video showing how I have mine setup.

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Hi Gino,

The argon is set to receive transport and i can see that it is receiving the right midi messages. Very strange that it is not working.

I also prefer the Digitakts sequencer but don’t want to lose the 8 voices. Am I right in understanding that I can only use those if I sequence from the Argon?

A video demonstrating set up would be super helpful! Thanks for offering. Is there any chance you could also show Argon to Digitakt setup (assuming i am right about polyphony) . This would would really help me work out if the issue is a defect with my Argon rather then a settings issue.


gets more amazing every day. A few years ago I was inspired by the Sound on Sound Synth Secrets series to attempt to emulate an acoustic piano as a sound design exercise. It’s interesting to see how close you can get. The really wild thing is that I was able to do two pretty decent ones using two different combinations of waves, wave mods and osc mods. They’ll never sound like a real piano, but that’s not the point.

Funny, I just emailed them to see if they had any plans to add more documentation or a webinar specifically on the wavetables. They said it was possible, but they don’t have the resources right now. My guess is they are pretty busy with the Cobalt rollout right now.

Hi Naji,

Just tested this, and it’s working fine here.
I can get either the DT to drive the Argon8 outside of my DAW, or have the Argon8 drive the DT.
Just using 2 midi cables for the connection.

Did you set clock to Int for the Argon8? If it’s sending clock to the DT it needs to generate it.

For me the DT sequencer is better in every way (it’s not even close). For sound design, it certainly makes sense as patches can use the sequencer to tweak 4 lanes of automation.

Note that you can trigger the arp or step sequencer on the Argon8 from the DT by sending it notes. That’s what I do when I want to leverage another sequencer downstream (Argon8, PRO3, or Iridium in my case).

The DT can record 4 notes per step, and for me this has been plenty.
You also have 8 tracks of midi, so it’s easy to use multiple tracks when needed.
In fact, you can mute different tracks live that are routed to the Argon8 which is very fun.

Hope this helps,


Hi Gino,

I think I must have a defect in my Argon.

Pretty sure i have followed all instructions but sadly no luck. The only way it works is if I don’t send clock and just sequence in the DT.

Interesting that you are able to use the Argon’s Arp when sequencing from the DT. I cannot even play patches that have an arp when it is connected to the Argon.

I had not thought about using multiple midi tracks to the Argon because it is monotimbral. When live recording will the digitakt automatically split chords between multiple tracks if they exceed 4 notes?

Weird. Did you update the firmware on the Argon8?
And I know we’ve all done it :slight_smile: but double check that the midi cables are in-to-out, and out-to-in and not connected to the thru port on the DT.

The DT won’t split chords when recording, as live recording goes to a single track.

Yup. I updated firmware to 2.2.

Have also checked midi cable, and settings many times. I think everything is set up correctly and in line with you advicd and the guidance I got from Modal. Is there any chance you could still demo a walkthrough of your setup please?

I recorded a quick video… hope it’s helpful.

Best regards,


Thanks Gino! Super helpful. It must be hardware issue as these settings do not work for me. I have found that the only way I can run them together is by only sending transport to the Argon so the sequences start together. Strange stuff. Many thanks for making the video!

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I sometimes have the problem that MIDI notes get stuck on the Argon8m. I control it with a Digitakt and in between is a Digitone. One MIDI cable goes from Digitakt-MIDI-Out to Digitone-MIDI-IN and a second MIDI cable goes from Digitone-MIDI-THRU to Argon8m-MIDI-IN. I am using MIDI channel 16 on the Digitakt and this is also set in Argon8m. All devices have the latest firmware installed. Does anyone else have this problem?

I’ve experienced something similar, but not limited to the Argon8. When triggering notes from my Digitakt there’s scenarios where if I’m switching quickly between tracks while triggering notes, what can happen is the not off midi message from my keyboard controller can get redirected to the newly selected track, when really it needs to go to the previous track. What happens then is the midi note gets stuck on for the previous track and I have to go back to it and trigger something else to unstick it.

I should say this is only really for when I’m playing notes live, not for previously sequenced notes.

Can someone explain how to setup the 32 static Wavetable Modifiers? Is there an encoder or shortcut foe that?

Hold “Patch” button + turn Wave1 / 2 knobs.

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Thank you. Now I found the other Patch-Button-Shortcuts in the manual too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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