Modal Electronics Cobalt8

I used to have the 8m. There’s a few less sequencer controls and I think there’s less knobs for controlling the LFOs. It’s still pretty easy to navigate, there’s just a few more shift controls and a bit of extra menu scrolling but nothing terminal.

It’s pretty close to knob per function, you.just have to get used to making sure which LFO or envelope you’ve selected first before moving the knob.

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Did you start with the 8m and upgraded to the 8 now? Or did you just get rid of it?

Because I always first think before I buy? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not specifically after something, but I just got intrigued by the Cobalt 8 synth engine. I really like the oscillator wave shaping possibilities.

Got rid. Not because it’s shit, I really liked it, I just never really got on with the UI and I’m very fickle.

So that says a lot I guess. For me UI is very important too. Maybe better try the 8 then.

If I was being kind about the Cobalt 8, I’d say the oscillator shaping was its best feature… but I returned mine because I found it sounded soooo bland generally, and I absolutely hated the filter.
I did think the keybed was really good though.

My advice would be to save up and go for a Novation Peak.

Already got a Peak :wink: I though the Cobalt 8 could give something different :slight_smile:

Maybe I’d better just try it in a store some day…

I don’t know, maybe you want something that sounds ultra-clean and ‘transparent’.
It also felt to me like more thought was put into the desktop editor than the physical UI, which made it either frustrating (standalone) or like a VSTi (desktop).

Just saw this pop up:

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I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I hate the filter but it isn’t the most characterful I’ve ever heard. But then, for this type of synth, what I’m looking for is the interesting ways that you can shape the oscillator algorithims and so having more a functional filter that is more about taming the frequencies works OK for me. When you combine that with the range of unison modes I think you can get some pretty nice sounding timbres that are in the ballpark of standard VA but have a little something else.

Not had a chance to update the firmware but from the sounds on the Modal stream the new FM modes sound really interesting, the noise AM stuff less so but could be useful.

Totally get how it’s not for everyone, and wouldn’t want it as my only synth but it does offer me something slightly different.

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To Cobalt8 experts could you demonstrate if it can do EDM trancey sounds like Access Virus. I would like to know and hear if it’s possible. Thanks.

Having previously owned a Virus Ti 61 key and Ti Polar and with their current focus on profiling amps, I looked at the Waldorf Kyra and Cobalt as possible Virus alternatives I also went down the rabbit hole and found Adam Szabo’s VIPER an amazing synth and possibly the closest to a Virus that I have come across in software or hardware but unfortunately it’s Windows PC only.
Sooooo … after my very long journey I recently took delivery of a new Ti2 desktop. I do see the cobalt as a compliment to the Virus or vice versa and am considering the 61 Key Cobalt and Virus would be a killer combo .
Also the the Virus will be doing double duty as an external effects processor .
( not trying to hijack this thread only responded since you are interested in the EDM trance Virus sounds

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Here’s a pretty decent demonstration of some Cobalt8 patches that seem to push it in some interesting ways.

I’m finding new things every time I sit down with it. Definitely a unique vibe for sure but I like what it brings to the table.


I have one of these coming in the mail. Man this thing sound Sooo good :slight_smile:

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This is certainly some of my favorite stuff that I have heard from the Cobalt.

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Nice! I’ll have to check these out and dissect them a bit. I was really close to selling my Cobalt due to how the gain staging is set up. Really weird issues going on with some things but a lot of it is due to the effects sucking the life out of stuff. Decided to hold onto it though. Patch gain helps for sure. Would love it if they added a drive option to the filter. And maybe a few more filter types!

Recently been trying some things into a Zen Delay and man. Sounds really good. That tube saturation and filter on top of its clean sound. :+1:


Nice to see manufacturer supporting its products like this :slight_smile:


The drums from CB8 too? Multi-layering almost always sounds better too.