Modal Electronics Cobalt8

I just bought the Argon8 so won’t buy this unless it’s available as a firmware update to the argon. Kinda disappointed.

Didn’t you buy the Argon because it is what it is? Why be disappointed that a company brings out a different synth? They’re not the same. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect firmware swapping just because they have visual similarities. Sure it would be very cool. The internals may be quite different. I just think if you bought the Argon you probably knew what it could do. That said, I get the sentiment a bit, especially if this looks more your style.


I’ve listened to a few demos and can say the Cobalt8 seems to have its own personality. It’s pretty cold but sometimes that is called for like a DX7. Maybe that’s part of the reason Modal went with blue. Words like ‘crystalline’ and ‘ocean’ keep coming to mind. I’m impressed. Definitely on my radar if the software proves solid.

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Just checked some demos. It’s not my cup of tea. It sounds and looks like a “budget” synth to me. Just like the Argon8.

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Cobalt8M please


Only professionals here, right?
Oh, and Modal


Nope, just different opinions. What doesn’t work for me can work for others.

Well, we don’t develop products to serve a demand we see in the market. Actually, we are making the synths that we would buy ourselves. COBALT8 is a unique instrument and it didn’t exist in any hardware or software form so far. The sound engine gives it really its own character.


hat off to you guys!

Honestly it looks neat on paper but I haven’t really found a demo to draw me into it. I guess I’ll have to wait till a store has a in person demo available for me to try.

The manual keeps talking about oscillator groups, so each voice has 8 oscillators? Am I reading that right? Are each oscillator able to be manipulated or it has to be as a group? Is this why FM isn’t really possible with the architecture of the synth or is it a design decision?

It seems okay but i am more interested in the UDO Super 6
Just listen how it sounds

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£2299 versus £579 though!


Well because of the lack of support and OS updates from their flagship synths I don’t buy anything from Modal!
Also talked about that with Philip Taysom just after Paula Maddox left Modal some years ago on Superbooth it just gave me a bad imprint of this company. I don’t look at the price point of the Cobalt8 by the way.

On first look this didn’t interest me but the ability to morph between those waveforms is really interesting, it has powerful and distinctive sound with that Modal sheen

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There have been 6 products made since Paula left, none of which are being slated for non support and indeed all have had regular updates.


And later on George Hearn also left. It’s actually quite weird to appear as company here. I bit like the Behringer way. Whats the reason why Modal does not have its own forum?

Why do some people leave even very successful bands/football teams?
They will have their own reasons, and its each to their own.

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I for one appreciate when other developers post. After all, most people are generally quite welcoming here. It’s why I enjoy visiting the forum. I’m not quite sure what value your comments are adding though.


Nothing wrong about it. However, I didn’t see any Modal developers on regular forums like GS. Also if Modal had their own forum are Elektron developers welcome? But like I said, I have bad experience with Modal… so don’t mind about me.

I agree. I think its great when developer’s or rep’s from other companies post and interact here. And while this may be and “Elektron” forum, it often feels much bigger than that, with mostly civil discussion about many other products and topics.