Modding OT with internal battery

I’ve seen a few examples of Octatracks with internal rechargeable battery mods. Does anyone know where I can get this done? Or is this a DIY thing (I’m not handy, at all, I’d rather just pay someone)?

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It’s all DIY but theres a bit of conjecture about potential swelling of battery packs inside places you may never see again until it’s too late - which is to say even if you pay someone, the nature of the work may make it done without warranty implied or given.

Not as convenient, but there are external battery powerbank options that seem relatively safe. the other day I mentioned to someone it wouldn’t be too difficult to have a clip made to screw into the vesa holes on digi devices which would retain a power bank similar to this mock up:

so if OT has vesa mount holes maybe that’s an option, but I’m also not familiar with whether your OT is mkI or mkII or if it makes a difference, I assume not as long as it has vesa mounting holes.

I think the heart of the matter is whether you’re willing to take the risk for the convenience of power inside the box, some are and some aren’t right?


Neither the Mk1 nor Mk2 OT has VESA holes, but you could epoxy a similar tray to the bottom and it would be at least as strong as screws (assuming proper surface prep & correct choice of metal-friendly epoxy).

I would prefer to build a power bank into the travel case rather than the OT itself. I would also be extremely picky about which batteries I built in to anything.

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I’m guessing that the OT has mounts for rack ears then? I don’t disagree epoxy or “other” could be used, but I might take the approach to modify the same general design to go up over the edges and link to the mounts for the rack ears.

As long as you aren’t using some material that’s super flimsy for the retaining clip, the material should support one or even two powerbanks and provide a decent flat base if you constructed it right so it could be sat on a table without being too cumbersome.

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Yes, the OT has M3 rack mount screw holes on the side, just like the MD & MnM

It would be very easy to laser cut side panels and a bottom piece to lift the OT and provide a shelf for power.


@obscurerobot that view is awesome!


@funkylsk has just unmounted the battery he had put within his DT.
I would think you have to choose very high quality components to avoid any trouble.


Ooh, a case for a comeback of late 90s/early 00s transparent cases if ever there was one.

how about transparent hypercolor? that sounds like some bad 90’s nightmare I’d already like to wake up from…




That Messy Desk guy had a video on this awhile back. The video isn’t terribly informative, but he has the contact email of his buddy who does the mods in the description:



Here’s the video if you care to watch:


hello, stussy? it’s for you.


I paid $150 CAD for a battery pack with an AC adapter on the side of it from Amazon and it’s worked great for me so far. I bought it specifically for taking the Digitakt out, but it works equally well with the Octatrack as well. I’ve powered both of them through a power bar as well as a Korg Wavestate, but the three of them will noticeably draw on the battery hard. Our power went out one night and I got a good 4 hours use out of my Octatrack and the battery was still hanging around 60%, so this might be an option for portable use, even if there’s a couple extra wires kicking around.


Hey OverneathTheSkybridge ! What was the battery pack you took ? Have you the reference of it ? Many thanks to you :slight_smile:

Here it is:

It’s come in handy lately when I take my kids to their sports practices. Did 2 hours straight on the Octatrack and only used about 30% of the battery.


External seems like the only way to go, to me. Putting a battery pack inside that

  1. generates a lot of extra heat (especially when charging)


  1. takes up a lot of the limited air space where some passive cooling would have actually happened

sounds like a recipe for early component failure.

EDIT: also you’re going to have to replace the battery every few years either way, and that will be a lot easier with an external one.

The only advantages I can think of for internal are that it would be slightly more portable (but only slightly), and it would look better on Instagram.


The main reason why I would like something with a built in battery is the immediacy of just grabbing it and start making music wherever I am without cables sticking out of it (besides headphones)

I wouldn’t use this as a main solution if I were to have multiple devices. Than I think a external battery would make more sense.

I’d spend half an hour with a hand saw, drill, and a cheap Ikea cutting board, make something like this but a little taller to leave room stick a battery packto the bottom of the OT with nanotape. Easier AND less invasive than installing it internally.

I’ve seen a lot more Li-ion batteries that are puffed up, leaking or both after 5 years than not. An internal battery is a time bomb.