Model 1 DJ/Studio mixer

thank you… ordered!

completely unrelated but I loved MasterSounds, thanks for sharing. instantly become my second favourite after signalsounds. cheers (even though everything on both sites is pricey as hell for my wallet)

thanks, good idea!

Hi everyone,

I love my model 1, though I recently discovered an issue with the dsub inputs.
I usually send signals to the mixer via my audio interface, so I can easily duplicate a mono signal in the interface mixer before I send it to the dsub input of the model 1.

when I route this duplicate mono signal to some of the model 1 channels, the balance is not centered anymore, I can hear it, i can also see it on the mixer bus leds!
i have the issue particularly with ch 2, only with the dsub connector. i also checked the cable and my audio interface. i can confirm the problem is in the mixer dsub circuitry (it works ok using rca)… I just contacted the support
anyone having this issue?

Just going through the motions in mine.

Make sure the channel in your interface card is set to mono via any software (I used Console for my Apollo), or use a mono cable with a splitter into a stereo channel.

See if that changes it.

It may also be the DSUB connection itself - not that there is anything faulty - but you may have to readjust the dsub cable going into the mixer slightly and then listen and watch the channels for feedback.

i switched the cable, and always ensure it is tightly fixed with the screws.
i sent a mono signal, duplicated to 2 outputs of my interface to feed the dsub inputs of the model 1.
the balance seem ok on every channel except for channel 2, there is still signal in the L and R channel but the resulting balance is not centered anymore!

hi guys, I’m not using DSUB but I wonder if I should

I have my 6 synths (analog rytm, octatrack, novation peak, prophet 6, moog sub 37, vermona) plugged in using cordial jack/rca cables to the RCA inputs on the back.

However I notice that its sometime hard to get to 0db levels (so the inputs seem a bit quiet), so I have to turn the trimpots almost to 3 o clock (75%) to get to 0dB levels which also can give a slight hum.

Is this normal? is this different if I would use the DSUB connector for the inputs?

I do not think that DSub makes a difference here. I have all my synths on DSub with Trim at 3 o’clock or higher and arrive at -3dB (with synth volumes set at around 75%), which I think is okay as an input level

Thanks @ccr, then I know what I should be aiming for.
how do you monitor when you use headphones? (cue A, B? or master out through an audio interface?)

I monitor the mix buss with headphones plugged into Cue A and “source” turned all the way towards “mix”.

right, same as me! don’t you get a bit of a hum / static noise through the headphones with the trims at 3 o’clock and the channel faders (almost) to the max?

Yes, I think we discussed this before. There is a bit of white noise with the headphone amp turned up. But as I said above, even with my 300 ohm HD-650, I never need to turn up the headphone amp above 9 o’clock (or 2 notches out of 10).

Thanks. I realise we discussed this in a different context, sorry.
Seems everything is the same here then.

Sometimes, when running my synths through a pedal and then into the model 1, and cranking the synth volume up, i hear some crackles too by the way. turning the synth volume or pedal mix level down fixes it. Seems like a delicate balance, guess I have to get used to it!

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I would have thought if you are sending the mixer a proper 0db signal from source then trim pot should be at 12 oclock for unity gain/0db on mixer.

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It’s just a matter of proper gain staging. Can’t send a low level signal to a mixer, crank the trim and expect not to start hearing a bit of the noise floor :slight_smile: send the output of your instruments and pedals loud enough so the trim can stay at 12. Trim is meant to make fine adjustments between records / productions.

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On the Model 1, the 12 o’clock trim position is marked “-6”, and the most cranked up position to the right (about 5 o’clock) is marked “+10”. I fully agree with the need of sending a loud enough signal, but I think the neutral position on this mixer would be rather somewhere around 2 o’clock. Or is there something I am missing?

This mixer is fully balanced internally and outputs balanced as well. Which should provide a 6db boost in volume. So -6 is actually neutral ;).

I don’t have the model 1 here but I’m pretty sure that’s why it reads -6.


Excellent, thanks!!

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Yeh Im sure M1 will be properly gained. Just feed a 0db signal into it and see.

Something thats almost always lacking on hardware. None of my boxes have any sort of level indicator which I think sucks. LOL

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I can confirm that mastersound radius is an absolute joy to mix with… I have the 2 channel rotary and I think it is a bit more flexible that it initially looks because you can still run the aux send while also using the master send return. Where I have found my set up to be, channel 1 groovebox, channel 2 FX return synth combo, Master send return goes into Syntrx but I would think any saturation/funky modulation stereo effect box would be good here.

I do dream about the Model 1 still occasionally but I have really become very attached to the rotary feel and having a nice big iso eq to play with. Model 1 just is so packed with features it is pretty nuts.

It is pretty cool that the mastersounds mixers are built in house by Andy Rigby-Jones company union audio though.