Model 1 DJ/Studio mixer

Thanks for checking @ccr

Basically gotta make sure that there is no need to drive the level of the cue’s past 7/10

(by not using headphones with too high impedance, making sure the levels of the synths/inputs are high enough, etc).

Is this something every mixer has (also A&H, etc)?

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Yes, all my other mixer also have a bit of noise at very high headphone amp settings. My Sennheiser HD650 has 300 ohms and is sufficiently loud even with low headphone amp volume.

More generally, I think it is interesting to have a strong enough input signal + gain to benefit from overdrive/saturation in the channels. (Also, as mentioned above, the zero crossing detection will not work with a too low signal.) There is a lot of headroom in the master buss.

You’re basically pushing the noise floor up by many many db so naturally you’ll eventually hear some hiss and other noises that might be the result of some interference. Probably what would happen if you’d cue a channel with a track playing on those levels you’ll blow out your ears more or less. At least the signal level should be so loud as to render that noise unnoticeable. :slight_smile: can’t think of a situation where that wouldn’t cause any damage to your hearing though unless your inputs are coming in at very very low levels.

Regarding levels: the model 1 has epic proportions of headroom. You can drive it above +9 (Hawtin himself does this constantly) and still have lots of headroom left. So generally you don’t have to worry about clipping signals as opposed to digital mixers and even other analog mixers. it’s therefore good practice to have your levels at least around the 0.


Thanks guys

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Obviously just want to make sure that my 3k mixer is top notch and not a faulty unit; so 2 last questions after I played with it tonight again (@ccr and the rest)

  1. When the master filter on button is on, and I enable the filter button above a channel fader, I can use the master filter. When I press one of those buttons again while moving/dialing the master filter, it disables, which can be used as performance effect. But when I do this, I hear a (minor) click through my headphones. Shouldnt this be completely ‘silent’? How is that on your unit?

  2. see attached picture, top of the channel strips; the line and ‘pre fade’ buttons are all off here, but they all appear somewhat lit still, even if off, the biggest contrast is visible in channel 1/2, see the red circles. Is this something you have too?

Just making sure here, everything else seems perfect, but now that I still have warranty I’d like to know if I should ‘accept’ these 2 things.

I see i didnt answer this one, I tried with the pot set all the way over to cue, then there was no buzz/hum. but, like the others said, the hum was only there at very high volume levels. I’m more worried about the above 2 things now, so curious to hear your experiences.

I checked the manual;

“MASTER FILTER ON - Turns the Master Filter ON. This switch is controlled by the zero- crossing detection system so can be used as a performance effect. The zero crossing system minimises audible clicks and switching artifacts when routing channels to the Master Filter or switching the filter ON.”

so it says ‘minimises audible clicks’, which could be interpreted as ‘there may still be a minor click’. do you hear this too?

and as for the lights of the prefade & line/dsub buttons, its not a big deal, but hey, wtf, its a 3k mixer, they could at least get the symmetry right

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Just had a look at mine. Yes, there can be a tiny click, especially when engaging extreme filter settings (eg master HP fully closed). As the manual says: clicks are minimized… Regarding the lights, I can see a clear difference between on and off. As mentioned above, the white LEDs do not all have the same colour. Maybe try to change the intensity of the lights (red dial next to the Ch.6 aux 1 send). As mentioned by others, the mixer sounds great, but it has some cosmetic quirks that should not have happened at this price point. If they make you unhappy, maybe better send it back.

Just out of curiosity - I am wondering how many of these mixers are " out there": in which range is your serial number? Mine is around 480…

PS: Have you seen the video of the factory in Scotland where A&H builds the Model 1? I found it interesting to see how much manual labor and how many components go into the mixer…


its not that I don’t see a difference between on / off with the white LEDs, the difference is very clear, just that when they are all off, some still seem half lit. I will try to see if lowering the led brightness helps. its not a big problem, you’d get used to it I guess. should not be the case in such a expensive mixer, but as long as the QC of the internal parts is good I can live with it haha.

Thanks @ccr, I’m also curious to know how many are out there, thing is that searching online I can’t really find that many (if any) user experiences so good to know that I’m not the only one!

I will check my serial number. where can I find it?

On the back, below the master outs. It says PDM1-000…

and thanks for the video, will check it out.

At the end of the line, I’m still blown away by the sound, and that is what counts!
cosmetic quirks I can live with, and I don’t think I would use those performance/master filter kill switches that much anyways, so sound is what matters most!

Ok I checked, its:

My serial is number 1074.

here is a video of the uneven/half lit LINE/DSUB knobs when they are off. Is it so extreme in yours too? mind you; the video starts with them all off, and then I turn them on, and off again. see the clear difference!

Same here. Actually never realized that they remain dimly lit when off…

Edit: and yes, they are a bit uneven. Curiously the leds that are less white when lit remain a little bit brighter when off.

I just spoke to someone who doesnt have it (johny allen on youtube).
The leds are not a very big problem imo though.
could send it back, but big chance the next will have it too.

a bit disappointed on the click/pop when enabling/disabling the master filter on button though

I dont have any audible click/pop when toggling the master filter.

Thanks for the feedback, this might be the main reason to see if I can exchange it.

Fantastic stuff guys…
Tell me - are you guys using a decksaver or something similar to protect it when not in use?

I cant seem to find one for it unless it’s a standard cover that fits most similar sized mixers?

I use a standard 12" DJ mixer decksaver. Fits perfectly.