Model Cycle play on the pads

Hi, I have an Elektron model Cycles I tried to play on the T1 -T6 Pads on a recording drum kit but this function does not seem to me to be active on this machine it does not work, if a user has this machine to tell me if this function is possible, thank you all for your useful information.

Welcome to the forum!

Yes, you can play the pads. They are velocity sensitive and you need to use a little force when you play them. You can also adjust the velocity settings by using the Pad menu. Press [FUNC] + [BACK] to access the PAD menu. Change “Fix” to 127, this will make the velocity trigger at 127 every time press the pad. This way, you will be able to better hear your pads.

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Thanks algorithmtoo for the info ! you have to get your bearings with this machine! just a small question I would like to do a kick roll on a Trig only, I maintained the trig but I have the example menu in C-9 I have the Vel:100 and LEN/ 1:32 menu otherwise there is is there another method ?

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You’re welcome @Hightone. For the roll, this is when you can use the retrig function. You can select the trig and while holding it, open your retrig menu and choose your settings for that step. This is also a good opportunity to check out the manual for some of the options that aren’t obvious for you :blush:

Thank you especially since it’s not easy to find your way around, I’m not a fan of the English language! no manual in French unfortunately but I started to find some benchmarks

You’re welcome. I understand. I hope you have fun with the M:C. It’s one of my favorite instruments and really fun to use. We all have some struggles in the beginning :grin:

Yes it’s true :slightly_smiling_face:I had a groovebox but the approach of the sequencer and a little different with a lot of modifiable parameters, so you have to find your bearings, on the other hand if I can allow myself without abusing your patience :pensive: I found the Hit hat closed in the HH bank named HH closed No 006, but I did not find the HH open I went through the HH library I did not find a hi-hat with the impression that is open even with the effects even by raising or lowering the notes … do you have any idea how to find this impression of open hi-hat

No problem. Just increase the decay of the closed hi-hat. You can also parameter lock the decay in the sequencer. You have options :grin:

Thank you, friend ! :+1: :pray: it’s a real pleasure to learn a little more, that said I will have to translate the instructions into French so that I can better assimilate it, it will be easier for me. :sweat: :slightly_smiling_face:

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