Model:Cycle Power

I’ve bought a used Model:Cycles with no PSU.

Website states the following specs:

  • Power inlet: Center positive 3.5 × 1.35 mm barrel jack, 5 V DC, 1 A

But hard to find 1A. Would 2A be OK?

Would this work with the Model:Cycles?

Thanks heaps

A 2A supply should be fine. I’m not an expert, but my understanding is that amperage is a measure of capacity – meaning a 2A power supply can provide up to 2A, but the device will draw what it’s designed to draw.

If in doubt, shoot Elektron a message to be certain.

An alternative would be to power it from a USB backup battery, as seen here:, which would allow your cycles to be portable as well, which is quite nice.

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Thanks… yeah I might grab one of those if/when I feel a call to create on the couch or on the go :slight_smile: :grinning:

That’s right. With either a 1A or 2A power supply the M:C will draw what it needs at the instant, wether that’s 1A, 0.5A 0.176A, etc. Same applies to any electric/electronic device of course.

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Thanks that’s super handy to know for future.

Voltage needs to match though, right?

Yes, voltages must match. A higher voltage might damage your gear, less voltage might make it unstable.


Lower voltage for that authentic warble :rofl:

Why don’t you buy it from the Elektron website in the Accessories tab?
It’s the Power Supply PSU-4b.
Then you get exactly what’s needed for your machine…

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Note that you can use the regular Elektron PSU on the left-side socket.
I’ve done it regularly when using the Model:Cycles in the bedroom ^^