Model:Cycles 24 Voices Space Drone

Hey guys, i thought it may be interesting to share this little jam with the M:C, utilizing 24 voices at the same time (or at least kind-of :wink: )

By setting up each of the 6 tracks with a 4 voice chord machine with carefully altered sonic parameters and LFO modulations, when played at the same time, it’s basically possible to get 24 voices. Via a connected iPad loaded with AUM and the free MidiTools auv3, AUM‘s keyboard is routed to send on all 6 midi channels simultaneously, so each single key press triggers all six tracks. To smoothen the envelopes a bit, a pinch of additional fx is added with velvetmachine reverb on the iPad. Recorded straight to the iPad in AUM. Hope you like it!


Amazing, an icy orchestra of glass in a small grey box.

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haha, i couldn’t describe it better :blush: Thanks for stopping by!


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Little machine so full of surprises… like all good devices are.

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That is awesome!
Really pushing the dear thing!

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I like your thinking… although on a technical level the chord machine is the one machine in the cycles that doesn’t use FM and instead has a wavetable. I wouldn’t sweat the little things though.


ahhhh, good call. FM and Cycles was so connected in my brain that i oversaw that fact, thanks for clarifying!

soooo much appreciated, thank you!

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Its limitations are really kinda challenging to explore it even more! Thanks a lot for stopping by!

i don’t feel pity at all :joy: Thanks a lot, glad you like it!

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