Model Cycles as idm jambox

I’ve been without gear for a couple of years now :frowning: - but now it’s time to get back to it!

I’ve had multiple elektron boxes over the years and the md, mnm & rytm are my favorites by far - but getting one of them is a bit to much a they are quite expensive… and this is where the cycles comes in. I’m really impressed by what people are getting out of this little box! I mainly make like 90’ies inspired idm/electronica stuff, and this seems very capable of doing this :slight_smile:

After a year - does the model cycles seem to impress you and is it fun as a one box jam-machine? Please post videos or soundbites of your jam/tracks featuring it going all weird autechre-style :slight_smile:

It ‘s fun but limited

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I’m mostly using mine for jamming out techno bangers in the living room, for which it excells.

I’ve also done some more downbeat, slightly more IDMish stuff.

And then there’s this.
I don’t know what this is, but it all came out of the cycles.

It’s really very good, there’s not much else on the market that can do as much for the price.

Some people struggle with the sound of it though, guess it has a slight marmite quality.


The Cycles is most definitely fun. As an entry (or re-entry) point to hardware, I think it’s a great choice. The interface helps you get started quickly. I agree that it might be a little limited, but there are a lot of features that can be explored to get more variety in your sounds. Overall though, I’d say the plusses outweigh the minuses. It will probably make you want a Digitone, or more Elektron gear, though, so beware!

some short loops using only the M:C

Absolutely love mine, I’ve had it maybe 9 months.
It’s so fast to use. I love the sound albeit a bit limited. Liking the sound of any device is personal though.
I think it excels as a stand alone box or paired with one other (my favorite pairing so far is with either my er1 or my evolver). It forces you to really play the thing rather than just letting a pattern run.
I’ve been having doubts about my rytm but none about the m:c, though in the interest of self skepticism the price might be a factor there.

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