Model:cycles - clock issues to Subharmonicon

I’ve been trying to get my model:cycles clock-out to sync with a moog subharmonicon, and I’m having issues with the pause/play function.

The clock signal is going through to the subharmonicon, but when I pause the sequence on the M:C it does not pause the Subharmonicon’s sequencers.

Has anyone else had this issue??

i don’t have the subharmonicon but i do have the DFAM, looks like they both lack MIDI input (unlike Mother i think).
I had hoped that the Model Cycles MIDI-3.5mm out could also send a trigger to sync with analog synths but i don’t think thats the case. Unless you have retrokits rk-whatever. I have to run midi from the M:C to my Microbrute and send a trigger out from there to my DFAM. From the layout, subharmonicon seems to be about the same situation. Could be wrong. Hope this helps.

I have both (currently very much unused).

Are you using the midi in (bottom left patch input) via the MIDI break-out cable on the subharmonicon, to cycles MIDI out?

In midi settings on the cycles, CLC Out needs to be set to ON to send MIDI clock and MIDI transport messages.

To make the Sub play the sequencer in time you’ll need to use Midi from the MC or patch into the patch bay using both ‘play’ and ‘clock’