Model Cycles Delay issue when midi sync

Hi there,

I’ve got a pretty annoying issue with the delay when i sync my M:C in slave with the Arturia Keystep Pro.
It’s like the delay sound is dropping and wobbling, has when you change the delay time doing the playing.

My config is:

  • The Kestep Pro is the Master
  • Midi Out1 of the Keystep go in the midi input of the M:C
  • Midi Out2 go to a Kenton Thru 5 and then in my Moog Sub Phatty, Microfreak and Korg MS 1

Anyone else have meet this kind of issue?

I also tried to put the M:C in master to solve the problem but then the BPM of the Keystep go crazy (If i set the tempo of the M:C at 100 bpm, the kestep received 193 bpm and varied non-stop).

Gosh, have they evolved to do away with the need to even sing now :wink:

Sounds like you could do with simplifying the connections to direct if possible … i.e. … there is a way to set the MC to accept MIDI Type B on TRS - presumably that’s what the KS sends out on

try that and have NO USB and nothing else in the chain - see if the situation improves and work backwards to find the culprit


I’ve tried to just plug the Keystep and the Cycles with the MIDI Type B on TRS (and no USB cable involved in my setup) with the same result

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I’ve just found that the USB cable of the Kestep pro was plug on my computer, i remove it and the problem was solved, except on the firsts notes.

Thank you so much !

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