Model Cycles delay not working

I’m trying to use DELAY SEND/DELAY TIME on a track(s) and it’s not working. Any ideas why?

All other effects work fine.


When you say not working, what’s happening exactly?

What are the settings you’re using for send amount, delay time and delay feedback?

Does the problem persist across multiple projects?

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I see the parameters changing when I rotate the knobs but no delay is heard. DEL FEEDBACK is under 100 (right now at 45). Other than that, I’m trying different send/times to see if I can hear any delay… nothing.

I can’t remember the connections on the Cycles…but are your headphones plugged into the correct slot?

Not trying to be pedantic, it’s something I’ve done before!

I’m using the Elektron USB cable to play audio through monitors. But, yeah, I tried just using headphones and it makes no difference. Still no delay.

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Strange, have you tried switching projects?

So you’re not hearing delay through local headphones or USB audio.

This is on any instrument? What about when you create a new pattern?

I suspect you know all this I’m about to write, but just to be sure…

The M:C has three controls for delay. Delay Time (duration between repeats); Delay Feedback (number of repeats); Delay send (level of dry track signal to send to the delay processor). Two of these, (time and feedback) are on the same knob. You access the one with the underline by holding [FUNC] and turning the knob. The dual function time/feedback knob applies to all sounds on the pattern; the send knob applies to the sound from the selected Track.

So, to hear a sound with delay you have to:

  • set the pattern’s delay time to long enough you can hear the space between the repeats
  • set the pattern’s delay feedback to enough repeats you can hear some of them
  • set a track’s send level to loud enough that the repeats (which will have reduced volume) are audible

If all that’s covered and you still don’t hear something… then it’s technical and I’m out of ideas :smiley:


I’ve not finished reading the M:C manual yet and may have my ideas mixed up.


SOLVED! Came down to performing an Empty Reset. Hold FUNC while powering on. Lost my patterns but the delay now works. Woohoo! Thanks for all the input.


Ah damn, I’m too late! If it happens again, check the “DEL OUT” setting in the config menu.

Hope you didn’t lose too much!


Eureka! That was the solution. I didn’t lose much. It’s been awhile since I busted out the M:C so all is good. I can start out clean. Thanks again for all your help! Appreciate it.


I need to read more of the manual.