Model: Cycles + Digitakt MIDI

Hello Elektronauts,

I am trying to do a DAWless setup with my Digitakt and Model: Cycles, doing M:C MIDI out and DT MIDI in. Manage to send clock from M:C and play in sync. now I have two questions:

  1. Am I able to assign MIDI tracks from M:C to Digitakt? Would like to use all the cool MIDI features DT offers. Have been trying to sort out the channels but doesn’t seem to work so far :confused:
  2. If connected right, am I able to play audio out from only one device? (let’s say DT out sounds from both DT & M:C or vice versa) Right now playing audio out from both machines but I remember seeing someone doing single machine audio out.

Thanks a lot in advance- Sorry for the newbie questions, looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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Interesting! Not answering your questions but I’m intending on using the same setup once all my gears unboxed (moving house atm).
I’d always thought of using the DT as the brain sending midi clock etc to the Cycles (or any other synth).

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I suggest using the DT as the Midi Master. So yo go from DT Midi out to Model Cycles In. Then you can use the DT‘s Midi Channels for controlling the Cycles.


Welcome to the forum!

The M:C has audio outputs but no audio inputs. The DT has both audio inputs and outputs.

So you could connect the M:C’s audio output to the DT’s audio inputs and monitor the M:C’s audio from the DT.

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Hi, this is my first message on the forum, so I hope I’m not doing anything wrong.
I have the same Digitakt/Cycles setup and I would like to use them in a live set situation, but I’m struggling in getting them work as I want. My questions are:
Is it possible to sequence cycles tracks on cycles’ sequencer and then mute the tracks from digitakt?
Is there a way to make pressing the fill button on one machine to use fill conditions on both?
When composing is it possible to press a trig on the cycles and then assign a note by pressing a key on digitakt in chromatic mode on that track (like you would do with a midi keyboard)?
Sorry if my english isn’t perfect…

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Hi @ccrisss

I have both MC and DT but I’ve not tried what your doing. Are they linked MIDI? Midi out of DT to MIDI in of MC?

How are you routing audio?

Your english is perfect btw

And I’m hoping someone more knowledgeable will come to your help because I’m not sure myself

No, Digitakt can mute MIDI notes coming from it’s sequencer only. Since you don’t send any there is nothing to mute.

My guess would be no, because it’s a sequencer feature and not a MIDI message.