Model:Cycles External MIDI IN Chromatic Play

Can all channels of Model:Cycles be played chromatically (via external MIDI input) at the same time (simultaneously)?

I’m considering buying a Cycles, but I’d like to know this first.

From reading the Cycles manual it appears chromatic performance may only be possible once one of the six sound engines/sources or respective tracks are selected. Thus chromatic play is only possible on one (selected) channel at a time. Is this the case?

I play my Nord Drum 2 in the fashion I’m hoping the Model:Cycles can operate.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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Only on the AUTO channel. If you send note data on any of the tracks’ MIDI channels (configured in settings, default 1–6) you can play each channel independently and chromatically.


Jeez, there it is: last sentence of the second paragraph. I’d read it, but somehow didn’t compute it! Anywho, thank you Kpucski!

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Thank you pselodux! That clears that up!