Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

The ability to live record retrig speed changes would be lush!


the ability to ctrl al retrigs would also be dope :loopy:

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When I double tap stop, I would like the delay and reverb buffers to clear. I am noticing that if I stop and restart a pattern, even with the routed tracks muted, I can still hear the feedback in the delay buffer unless I wait for some time. It’s like the delay model continues to run after the patent has stopped, thus the delay buffer eventually clears on its own. This could be problematic in a live set.

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A round robin midi setting would be awesome, to use it like a 6 note polyphonic FM synth (like in Loopop video but without additional hardware), maybe via settings menu .

Maybe it could be also a new machine sort of with its own presets.

When in round robin mode knobs should work in control all mode

In the meanwhile this may work…


That’s an idea I haven’t seen yet. Seems easy enough to implement too.

I think I have a good one. Is there a way to remove individual parameter locks at a step?

EDIT: I AM A DUM DUM. Page 30, section 9.12.1, Removing a specific parameter lock on a trig in GRID RECORDING mode:

Don’t know how I missed that.

Curiously, you can tell this is copied from the octatrack manual. Right below, it says: Removing a specific parameter lock on a trig in LIVE RECORDING mode: Press and hold [NO], and then turn the knob related to the parameter you want to remove. But is there a way to do this on the Model Cycles?

Eg, I lock pitch and decay at step 3.
Later on, I want to remove only the decay lock.
I want pitch to still be locked to the value I set it to earlier.

The only way I can figure it out is to remove all lock trigs at a step, and then go back and dial in what I wanted to keep.

You could just overwrite your old locks with what you want the new value to be, but then those steps are still locked, and those parameters are still always fixed. Eg, when live recording mode is off, I want to adjust parameter values for all unlocked steps.

One easy implementation method I can think of:
when holding a trig key down (there’s a parameter already locked at this step), you can scroll all the way left to an OFF setting for said parameter. This removes the lock for that parameter only (at that step), and then it reverts to the current parameter value for the track.
So in my example, I hold down the trig and twist the decay knob all the way left until I get to OFF. Then decay becomes whatever the current decay value is for the track (because it isn’t locked).

I hope this is already implemented, and I’m just a dum dum and overlooked something in the manual. It’s getting annoying having to go back and re-do my work when I decide later on that I don’t want just one parameter to be locked anymore.

For the big boxes and mid boxes you just hold the trig in grid mode and press the encoder that you want to remove the p-lock from.

This request concerns a future expansion of the Chords machine capabilities. I don’t have Model:Cycles for now (although I am concerning buying it), so I cannot check how it works for sure, and I am just referring to how I understand the manual.

In the Chords machine the Shape parameter offers a lot of chord modes, and when the particular mode is selected, all notes use this mode. And this is fine, but it is not how music theory usually works. For example, when you are in C major scale, and want to use triads for all the seven degrees, then successive triads actually have different modes: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor, B diminished. So it would be nice to have an option of choosing not only a fixed chord mode for all the notes, but also a scale in a given key¹. Major and minor for all twelve keys would be probably enough, but all seven modal scales for all twelve keys would be fantastic² - although it would require additional 84 options for this parameter. Other scales would be great too, but this would mean even further, quite huge expansion of available options, so it is probably impossible.

I think that such expansion would be a genuine real help for people not knowing music theory or even for everyone else, because it would just make work flow much easier, and the results would immediately fit into basic chord progression solutions. Because for now they just do not.

¹ However, as I could imagine, the problem is that all current modes have fixed ratios for FM operators, because these ratios actually create music intervals for given chord type. Choosing scale would require automatic changing of ratios, depending on the note being played, which may be impossible with this software architecture.

² Technically speaking you can achieve all modal scales having only major scales for all twelve keys (for example, A minor scale have the same notes as C major scale), but this is not quite convenient to work this way.


Trig condition 100% would be handy for ctrl-all tweaking to ensure that some things always play.


LFO to machine select please.


Step preview is something I could really use, hold function and press step to hear it when in grid record with sequencer stopped.


I would very much like an adjustment to the T1-T6 pad sensitivity when muting, like the Rytm has in mute mode. Actually, maybe not as hair-trigger sensitive as the Rytm, but I’d like to not have to hammer the pads to mute/unmute.


Yes… that would be awesome. Regardless of how it’s implemented, having the ability of the chord machine to “cycle” through the 4 ops would be very cool. Especially if it was key matched with the other big request of musical scales (vs time “scale”) per track.

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Or at least a way to exclude certain tracks from the control all would be useful… keep kick constant while all else goes batshit.


This already exists, since Machinedrum.

P-lock your kick.


Hey Adam,

This is my first E machine with the control all, so forgive me, but im not following you… do you mean plock all values on all trigs (or use copy/paste) so the params/values are “hard printed” into the sequencer?

That seems kinda time consuming and not really all that undoable if you eventually want to unlock that track, say kick, for control all. Where a checkbox in the track setup like “ignore control all” could be more general…

Depends on the parameters you wish to ctrl all.

Let’s say you want to ctrl all pitch.

P lock pitch on one kick, then copy and paste it to the other steps. Wam bam, you’re done. Have fun!

Want to undo it? Use the same process to remove p lock, copy paste… It is quick and easy.


Never understimate the copy paste functions of Elektron machines. Makes sequencing super fast!


Especially when copying and pasting multiple trigs at once :cloud_with_lightning:


Yeah… i have a mk1 octatrack… it doesnae work capn!

Digitone does though… so that always feels slick and sexy.