Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

Please Ess I would like to request a Track Swap feature for the Model Cyles and the Model Samples… This would be a Huge Time Saver for set/song organization because if you could swap any two tracks location you wouldn’t have to worry about setting up proper track chronology in advance and after you’re done creating your patterns you could put whichever pattern you wanted wherever you wanted quickly.

To clarify… I’ve got a bassline on track 5 but chronologically I’d like it to be next to my drums which are tracks 1, and 2 so I could use the swap feature to swap track 5 with 4!


Hah yeah, I talked to Richard about it a while back actually (for the Digitone)
I was thinking of a simpler way to add it (microtuning) but he really pushed for Scala import. Makes sense now that I’ve tried it a bit more, but makes it a bit more complex to put in there… Would love to have it though.


hello again :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to request ‘Recordable Mutes’ These would be mutes that could be recorded into the sequencer and this would take the Model Cycles as well as the Model Samples to new level. It would be great for them to be capable of being quantized or non-quantized and in an ideal world if they could be nudged on a track like other trigs and have trig conditions this would be another Elektron game changer!!!

What I came here to request. Shortcut for Save Project please.

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Already there. Hold down the Func + Settings buttons for a second for quick access to the Save dialogue.

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No it’s not already there. That is save pattern to project.

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So it seems that MIDI CCs are being sent by Cycles, but only when the sequencer is stopped. This seems maybe like a bug? Also, is there any chance of CCs being sent based on what the sequencer is doing, i.e. with each step’s CC value affected by parameter locks?

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Unless it is already there a midi CC command to toogle Control all on/off


none imho, the sequencer doesn’t send any cc info and the CC output for the encoders is enabled when the note out per track is toggled on

FREE HANDS please!

Track switching would be nice to have.

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Genuine question: What do you mean by track switching? :thinking:

Pardon my insufficient english. I meant swapping.

I’d like track 1 to count track 6 as the neighbor track for the NEI trig condition please and thank you!

I’ve been creating patches on the M:C using trig conditions, and I’m finding NEI very useful and interesting.

The only problem is that it seems like a NEI condition on a trig on track 1 doesn’t see trigs with conditions on track 6.

I understand that track 6 isn’t a strict neighbor to track 1, but it seemed logical to me that it would behave like one.

Can someone else confirm this behavior? Could be a bug? If not, then I’ve certainly got a feature request.


The manual clearly states:

The neighbor track is the track before the active track.

So this is definitely not a bug. The trig conditions on all Elektron devices work this way. I guess it’s how the whole processing works by evaluating the next trig starting with track 1, then track 2 and so on.

6 is before 1…in a loop :wink:
If you could just fold yer M:C in half…


FR: Midi /Audio configuration saved per project

Yeah, I get that in a strict sense track 6 isn’t “before” track 1.

I expected it to work in a loop. I wonder if there’s any reason why it couldn’t?

They moved my post to feature requests anyhow. Elektron is already pretty good with non-linear thinking. Maybe they’ll give this to us! :slight_smile:

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I guess performance and logical consistency.

When you process them in a loop you can easily produce a situation where you couldn’t evaluate a definite state of track 1, because it depends on track 6 and track 6 depends all the way back on track 1 again. That’s called cyclic dependency and cannot be resolved in a consistent manner.