Model:Cycles Glitch Exploration

Hey guys, i tried to push the M:C into more glitchy territory, combined with projection mappings onto it. Hope you like it!


love your videos & music bro :fire::heart:


thanks a million for the warm words, so glad you enjoy it :pray:

Amazing stuff, as always! :exploding_head:

Your music and videos are very inspirational - and I see youā€™re from munich, too?


thank you very much! Such a pleasure to hear that! And yes, iā€™m from Munich :wink:

Great as always :slightly_smiling_face:
Iā€˜m 80 kilometers away from munich btw


Enjoyable ) Could you please tell a bit about sound design, techniques you use etcā€¦

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Best thing Iā€™ve heard from this m:c, truly.
Now Iā€™m interested :laughing:

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oh great, greetings from the neighborhood :wave:

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yeah, thanks for letting me know! Glad you like it!

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Yes! Brilliantly shot, love the projection mapping. Sound design on point too! Itā€™s good to see people continuing to push the M:C.


Hey, so am I! :grinning:

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Well, as with most of my creative outcome, itā€™s a lot based on randomness and happy accidents, hehe :wink: Iā€™m using the M:C mostly in combination with the iPad, relying on audio and midi over USB. Foremost for recording the Cycles directly onto the ipad.

In this case, i took the other way around and used the ipad as inital sequence-generator. Recorded some semi-random sequences coming from 2 instances of riffer sequencer running on the ipad into the M:C. To be precise i had 6 sequencer lanes running on the ipad, sending on each of the 6 tracks seperately. Recorded this for 64 Beats on a few patterns and from there everything happend on the M:C. Some retriggering, Trigger conditions and a lot of parameter live recording. Besides, iā€™ve experimeted with different bpm on the patterns. So some are only running at a fraction of the initial bpm which instantly breaks down the whole structure. Also, the change rate is reduced to the minimum of 2, which results in a quite fast live pattern change when running at 166bpm in this case.

While all sound are coming from the M:C, theres a pinch of extra processing on the ipad side, using Glitchcore app to microloop and re-sequencing the incoming live audio from time to time.

Hope this helps a bit.


an honor to hear that! Thanks a million :heart:

Please collate more of your ambient explorations into Bandcamp etc releases - Iā€™m always hugely inspired by the things you do.

Also, thanks for indirectly alerting me to Midigrid and the possibilities of turning 2 Launchpads into a 128 (at least as far as my Norns Shield is concerned).

Finally, Iā€™m a little scared to watch this as I sold my M:C and already felt as though I might end up buying another at some pointā€¦


Thank you so much for stopping by! Well, regarding Bandcamp releases itā€™s really great to hear that youā€™re interested. Iā€™m just so restrained because for me the main output is visual content and iā€™m thinking iā€™d reach most of the people via plattforms like youtube and insta therefore. Thatā€™s mostly why i havenā€™t gone the extra mile to make releases for bandcamp. But itā€™s great to hear that you would be interested, will definitely keep that in mind!

Oh, and yes, i hope hope you wonā€™t regret selling your M:C :smiley:

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Honestly, something as simple as collecting the audio from the videos into a ā€œselected AV soundtracksā€ type of release would be perfect. ā€œVernalā€ is one of my favourite tracks literally ever (it manages to evoke both Vangelisā€™ Blade Runner & Hans Zimmer/Benjamin Wallfischā€™s, whilst being neither) and I was delighted to find it for download on your SoundCloud.

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such an honor to hear that in fact! That does sound feasible indeed :wink: Will try to sit down and maybe remaster some of them for this purpose. Thanks again for the uplifting words! :pray:

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Itā€™s funny, when I was beta testing Hammerhead, Bram mentioned that you were making some sounds for the presets and when I finally heard them I couldnā€™t help but smile at how clearly they illustrated how differently you approach things from others who had also contributed. Thanks for the constant inspiration!

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hehe, you clearly have an eye for the details, awesome that you noticed that! Really appreciate it! :pray:

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