Model:Cycles Glitching Out

I’ve been attempting to rework a couple of tracks and am coming at it with new more educated eyes so. Now that I’m chaining patterns I’m starting to manipulate different components of the model:cycles and I’m noticing issues I hadn’t before.

First, I noticed that my time signature/bpm under the page button is going super slow but my track is playing at whatever the default is on the machine.

Also, after live recording, playback is inconsistent and choppy/glitchy. I’ve tried adjusting the chance knob but it’s all at 100%.

I don’t know what else to do about these things. Any help is appreciated.

Both of your problems are most likely due to your Scale settings. If any of your tracks are set to anything other than 1x, then you will not have the resolution you normally have.

FUNC+PAGE to open the menu for Scale.

So I actually tried adjusting the scale settings before posting here and I went up and down the settings, but it didn’t fix the glitching in my playback. Should I make sure to record at 1x FIRST rather than having my settings at 1/4x or 1/8x (which is around where they were) and then adjusting to 1x after recording? In other words, is the problem that I attempted to record at 1/4x or 1/8x?

Is the sound glitching, or is it just that the timing is off?

The sound is glitching and inconsistent. I’ll have a sequence playing on a track but the track isn’t playing all of the triggers or they’re partially played.

An LFO affecting Decay? Did it start when you chained your patterns?

So, yes it did start when I created a new pattern but I didn’t chain them. I created a new pattern from the first one, and added a track onto the second pattern on which I live recorded a preset. There was actually already a demo track on that save file from when I first purchased the machine. I haven’t applied any lfo or decay to that pattern. Maybe the settings from the demo file are messing with my track?

I’d try clearing the LFO page and see if the glitchiness goes away.

Okay, I’ll try that tonight or tomorrow, thanks. Is that on the same page as scale or is it the lfo button you’re talking about?

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LFO button. If you press it, you will be able to see if anything is assigned to it—it will have a red light beneath one of the knobs. To clear it, hold it down and press the Play button.

So the lfo was assigned to the reverb parameter and I cleared it, but it didn’t change anything. It’s like not all of the notes are playing. And when I changed the scale it just sped up the track and didn’t recover any of the sound I had recorded.

Are you using the Cycles by itself, or with a midi controller?

Conditional Trigs can also cause you problems. They work similar to Chance, but instead of a percentage, they only play in ratios. 1:2, 2:4 etc.

Probably. There will always be only 16 steps per page; using slower track scales doesn’t add any new steps. If you’re trying to record trills or other fast playing it most likely won’t accurately reproduce what you play.

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Saw the title of this thread and hoped so much it was a tutorial.


I’m not using a midi controller, just the cycles. And as far as the trills, I’m just recording a preset synth straightforward — no parameters or effects.

I’m not talking about effects, I mean playing style—if you play too fast for the pattern, it won’t record all of the notes you play.

Can you post a video or audio example of what you’re trying to record, and how it ends up sounding when played back?

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Oh this might be it. I’ll try to post later today.

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