Model:Cycles Kicks On Digitone

Ah yeah, I noticed yesterday that the master overdrive works better for kicks. The amp one gives a little too many overtones, but can be used lightly, so that the kick doesn’t sound flappy.
Makes sense though, that the master one is more solid, so that it’s more usable for several types of sounds at once.

But yeah, the feedback could work nicely as overdrive before the filter.

Right now I have the DN set up as 2 mono outs into a mixer for recording live in the studio, so no sending back into it. I don’t want to sacrifice the few physical outs that I have for recording :slight_smile:

Though, I could record the kick into Ableton and process it further (much easier). Then use a midi track to sequence it from either DT or DN. And if I really want to dubmix the kick, I can run it out of one of the 2 non-monitoring outs on my interface and into a free track on the mixer. Might be the best solution really :man_shrugging:

In your audio clip, the kick has punch, but still that woody knock, that I try to avoid.
The hats and acidline sounds nice though :slight_smile:

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This thread helped me to obtain the loudest kick yet in al my soundbanks

Straight from DN usb Iphone


Thanks a lot for jumping in and sharing that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:It’s probably the closest result that I’ve heard. It sounds great. And yeah, the M:C probably still sounds a little better in many demos.
I’ll try and mess around a little more today, and if I’m still not satisfied with the result and workflow, then I might get an M:C mainly for kicks. Would probably only use Tone other than Kick. But that might actually not be a bad thing. One mono out for kick, sub bass and low basslike toms/kicks. And one mono out for bleepy and woopie fx sounds.
Only personal problem for me, is that I don’t want to have more than 2 Elektron devices at once. Something to do with the computer like nature of Elektron machines (that’s just how it is :man_shrugging:) and me having an attention deficit disorder.
But maybe I’ll end up having 3 anyways. I’ll figure out :man_shrugging:

Nice 808 like kick. Good bottom end. For my personal taste I’d change the click slightly, but that’s just a minor thing for me :slight_smile:

I have the cutdown omni in the channelstrip from Eventide. Never use it though. I don’t enjoy using compressors, and most of the time, when I find a sound that I like, it ends up being a setting that doesn’t actually have an effect on the sound :laughing: I did have a rack saved in Ableton with the regular compressor, saturator and EQ8 on settings that worked nicely for me on most kicks. Especially 909 ones that I used mostly at the time. Sometimes with a little of tweaking. I think the order goes, Saturator, EQ8 and Compressor. Don’t know if I still have that rack saved somewhere. Haven’t used it for a long time, because I didn’t want to be lazy :thinking:

Seems like you have a very specific sound in mind. Maybe post an audio example of the kick you want so others can try to match it on the DN?

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Not really :slight_smile:
Not more specific than a not so clicky kick from either a 909 or M:C. And I don’t use the same kicks all the time, when using samples in the daw. So that could really be anything. It’s far easier to process the sounds that I want for the specific track with Ableton. It’s the tuning to everything else, so it actually fits in context. I don’t always start out with a kick, because that’s boring.
If I had a specific kick in mind, I’d just use a sample of that kick though, because then I wouldn’t have to tune it, since it would be specific :wink:

But as already mentioned in the description of the thread, I was trying to pull off the transient and body of the the M:C kicks that you hear in many demos. Not so specific, but it’s the roundness that I’m looking for. Was also originally asking for a way to get those compression envelope shapes in DN that are used for M:C. Only Ess could answer that of course :slight_smile:

Haven’t been messing around with any kicks yesterday. I had other things, and also, everytime I looked at DN, I didn’t feel motivated by the workflow that I know was coming.
So still can’t tell if anything has worked out yet.

but I guess that it could still be valid to post an example of a non saturated 909 kick.

And sorry if I came off a bit rude. Had just woken up when posting the original comment. And I feel a bit annoyed since last night, because I yet have gotten frustrated with DT’s 2 single outputs in the context of my whole setup, even though things aren’t really so dificult as they seem. I don’t actually have to record everything at once. I can play back from Ableton :man_shrugging:

So tonight I messed around in DN, and I did manage to create a good sounding 909 ish kick. Still not great. I have several samples that I would rather use :slight_smile:
I messed around with the waveform morphing, and I liked one of those sort of in between a sine and a triangle. Used algo 5. I had 2 lfo’s modulating all synth pitch. 1st one with standard 32 bpm mult with initial speed. 2nd one with 16 bpm init speed, but with the fade-in that Ess was talking about. Actually makes a good difference. I did the resonant hp filter mod thing as well. Amp attack set to 3 to soften slightly. Also did a bit of fm.
Right now I don’t feel like turning on the PC to record it in, so you guys can listen. It’s not that great anyways :sweat_smile:

I feel it’s a little to combersome for me messing around with all these small details. Especially because I tend to be quite detail oriented and fixated on small and seemingly unimportant things with these kinds of things (and many others).
So the way I see it, is that it’s either a dedicated great sounding kickdrum voice, or layering samples for me. I’ve always thrived more with sample manipulation than synthesis.

read somewhere in this forum
to use square lfo in combination with fade function gives a different attack than expo which works well with kicks.


I just tried it on Digitakt today, and actually works nicely with the square and with the phase set to 127. Sine and triangle also works, but square is obviously the fullest sounding, due to it being the fullest wave that you can ever get.

I’ve put up the Digitone for sale for now. The overall sound and workflow are not really me. But I know that it’s possible to make sounds on it that I’d like. And I guess that I might need some good tutorials for techno sounds. I have watched Yan Cook vids, and he’s a big name in the industry. But several of the fm sounds that he shows, are also very integral to his sound. It’s those envelope modulated boingy stab sounds that he tends to make. But those should be pretty basic in their fundamental nature. Can’t remember if Dave Mech has done sound design vids on Digitone though. Have to check.
But would be nice if anyone knows of some invaluable sound design tutorials or courses for it?

A saw is actually richer in harmonics than a square.

While a square wave is constructed from only odd harmonics, a sawtooth wave’s sound is harsh and clear and its spectrum contains both even and odd harmonics of the fundamental frequency.


In harmonics yes. But I was talking in terms of volume. A square is fuller :slight_smile:

Yesterday I made a kick with DN thru Analog Drive, Clean drive setting. Adds something very analog, warmth.
Planned to sample some with DT…


i will give you a simple advice , very simple indeed : every time i make a pattern with the digitone i feel the kick is right but not enough loud & percussive compared to the other elements .

assign 2 or 3 static voice in the voice allocation page , turn unisson to taste !

isn’t that simple enough ? the digitone is 300% better at anything than the cycle , i swear


I’ll check the result.
But sorry, no :slight_smile: It’s actually not simple enough for me. A great sounding dedicated kickvoice with dedicated controls will always be more simple and motivating for me to use than a straightup synth, where you would have to push and pull in different directions in an attempt to get to your desired result. But more often than not, you’ll never really get there with the synth alone, unless it has enough inbuild fx to process it. Seems like that at least, when listening to any kicks playing directly from a synth in demos. Like when people prefer those you can get on A4 over those on AR. I still have to be convinced about that, sorry. But that’s because we all have our own preferences of course. But I’m still a bit stubborn and want to figure out if I can actually make a great sounding one with the gear I already have :slight_smile:

For dedicated drumvoices there are not many, and they’re usually not that great sounding. The ones that I prefer are AR, M:C and Erica Synths Bass Drum. And of course 909 and any great clone of that. And I don’t coun’t Mbase11 in that. Haven’t tried one myself though, but I can’t remember having heard any examples that satisfied me. Closest being ‘All You Need Is Live’.
I can’t really judge LXR-02 yet.

One main thing that would annoy me with having M:C, is that judging by the demos, I don’t really like the other voices, so the thought in the back of my mind saying that I’m barely utilizing it for its full capeabilities, will keep annoying me, as it has with other devices.
Might be an ocd-like trait in relation to my adhd, since it’s very dificult for me to get rid off. But I’m pretty sure that people without a diagnose also experience this, since we all have at least a small degree of something. At least my psychiatrist says so :wink:

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Every synth bave his color,some sort of identity To himself, my decision always nails with the final material and how it integrate in the mix and other sounds, i don’t give à shit from where the sound is coming. For techno my analog rytm is the driving horse, but i dare To say it has some of my favorite digitone drum kicks samples loaded in and 909 samples of course.Why ? Because the digitone has a clean cold plastic like sound the AR can’t do. I like To use the digitone for electronica like drums sounds. I Will post some vidéos later and oh check Baseck he’s doing entire liveshows heavy drums driven style with a digitone.


Check the industriel drums pattern at 9:00 : really hard To do with any other devices you listed ,thats what the digitone excels at in my opinion

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If he put this audio over a video playing with the modular system in the back most viewers will not notice:

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Yeah and it’s that cold and plastic like sound that I’m not into. M:C seems to have less of that for several of the kicks I’ve heard.
Actually I find Digitone a little too dificult to blend with other sounds that I make with samples and analogue sounds. But of course, I could start on the DN before going to the other sounds. But my inspiration mostly comes from using samples.

The only organic type of music where I think cold sounds fits well, is dub house/spacy deep house (or what you wanna call it).
Because of the deep and dubby atmosphere, the coldness adds to the associations of several quite specific things:

  • outer space with it’s wast black emptiness, yet with small lights and a few planets in the very far distance. In my mind Satelites, sputnik and a floating lonely astronaut usually appears.

  • Ports at a silent, grey and very foggy day somewhere between 9 and 12 am. You have windmills and maybe even a bridge with blinking lights in the top for airplanes to see, standing far apart from eachother out in the distance in the wast water.
    At land, you have the container terminal with (well) containers, tall cranes and ships docking and loading off cargo.
    In the very near area there will be modern architectural housing for offices and expensive apartments, while yet again here and there tall cranes either stillstanding or in use, are there for the current building projects.
    In the habour right next to the area with apartments, there’s this bathing-pier and wooden stairs along the seaside for people to use. Maybe with a few additional bathing piers attached.

  • Riding a train at night while starring out the window at the black contryside with it’s few lights here and there in the distance.

  • Trucks driving at the semi-empty (relatively far between each truck) and dark highway at a starry night with an occational blinking airplane in the distance.

  • Areas at night with large and open looking modern architectural office buildings with the clear lights turned on in the hallways and a few rooms. And with almost no people in the area. Preferably right next to seawater with a clear and starry heaven. And with the occational blinking airplane and seemingly lonely truck passing by on the road.

  • Standing at a beach either at a starry night or in deep fog between 9-12 am. Along the coastline there’s modern architectural apartment housing with a small road in between the beach and the buildings. At the foot at some of the buildings there’re small patches of beach grass planted in an evenly spaced pattern, so that it’s clear that humans did it.
    Out in the far distance of the water, there’s a blinking bridge and windmills. Also a few low flying blinking airplanes are landing in the airport nearby.
    The beach is deep and very wellkept with clear signs of human intervention. There’s a few modern looking bathing piers. Those with like a small Island in the end and maybe additional attached bathing piers from that. There’s a wide pathway for walking from land to the beach. It’s made of completely flat, smooth and bright grey concrete.

All of these associations clearly has a connection to eachother. The blinking airplanes at night for once, gives me associations to satelites and sputnik. Like a bleepy techno/fx sound also would do.
But everything seems to be connected to the shipment of cargo and the upbringing of modern and clean looking society, where a big, clear and seemingly empty space that connects it all has a keyrole. And all those transportation vehicles also connects everything together. At night it’s seemingly more silent in the atmosphere around us, yet someone here and there are still awake and at work. It gives the feeling of being alone in a big empty space. And all this human-made stuff placed around in nature becomes more clear, yet also more coherrent. It’s this blend between a silent, soft, open and clear atmosphere and a few noisy inorganic vehicles and humans in contrast to eachother that gives this mixed sensation of, well, organic in a cold, soft, silent and open way. Just as that type of music does.
I know that I’m not the only one who gets similar associations. Also some techno and dub techno gives me similar vibes.

I’m not really doing that clean, deep and open type of music at the moment. But yeah an fm synth fits very well in that context, when the sounds are made to fit the vibe. For once, you usually want your kick to be deep, round, not too much pitchbended body and not too overdriven. Saturated at most.

I did try and make a kick out of a single cycle wave on DT yesterday. I thought it sounded closer to what I wanted in terms of full body and round transient, similar too the caracter of a 909.
Then I tried to make one on DN without any fm to see if I could match the one on DT. First I tried to match settings for amp, filter, envs and lfo’s exactly by number. And tried to approximate the basenote. But it was nowhere close in terms of vibe. So I tried the fm options, and here it obviously started to open up and sound better. But still not the vibe. After some time I realised that the 100 hz hp on my mixer was on, plus a very slight amount was taken out of the mids. God damn it. Had forgot to reset the strip🤦‍♂️
After resesting it, my kick had way too much low end. I had done the res hp sweep thing, and it did sound more subby than the DN kick when 100hz hp was on. When turned off, it was dificult to find an amount of res or different frequency that made It sound great again. It still had the fundamental body I was after, just more muddy and unpleasant :joy: so after some more tweaking I ended up with a more satisfying sound on DN. Still not the vibe I was after. But I’d have to post process it significantly with eq, saturation and maybe compression to get there. Not something I would record into my mixer with only master as recording outputs. Overbridge, I know. But fiddling around and setting things up, you know.

I tried stacking voices, but after a/b’ing by volume matching the output, I learned that this only makes the sound louder. At least to my ears. And if I can’t hear it, then it doesn’t matter enough to me. But I did also learn that the curve for velocity to volume set to its fullest, actually makes the sound thicker. Not just a bit louder. I would’ve thought it wouldn’t, and that it just amplifies it to it’s fullest volume. And maybe that’s before amp, filter etc. So that it would push the sound and make it thicker, I don’t know :man_shrugging: But then again, wouldn’t voice stacking have done the same? :thinking: so that’s probably not it. Maybe I’m just imagining the effect :blush: