Model:Cycles Kicks On Digitone

Aarh okay. Still don’t know if that means that I’m experiencing placebo, haha sorry :pensive::sweat_smile:

Aarh yeah. That’s the strange thing about having adhd (not everyone is like this btw).
Writing long and detailed messages about things that have interest due to hyperactive brain activity, impulsivity and in my case compulsive obsessive behavior. But at the same time becoming overhelmed by others long and detailed texts.

The reason is that in both scenarios, the brain is looking for dopamine. I get a natural high from my deep overthinking. My brain knows this, so it keeps on doing so. This makes me distracted however, so that I can’t focus on what’s in front of me. When getting easily overhelmed by external distractions, it’s because the brain is searching for the dopamine there at the same time as it’s feeding my own thoughts, where it’s also searching for dopamine.

This is why adhd is more complex than most think it is. Yes most people experience these symptoms to a certain degree. But that goes for most symptoms of any diagnose :slight_smile:

I could stop myself, but the brain says that it’s important. Though I have become much better at post-editing to keep the text shorter, and to divide it up in more sections to make it more motivating to read. So try imagine how much worse it could be :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Did you try ADSR ? :wink:


To shape it in a little? Well DN has infinite release and I really like that feature sooo… :joy:

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There’s also the velocity mod thing where you can assign velocity to all kinds of parameters, maybe you have some of that going on.

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No velocity mod going on.