Model:Cycles LCD replacement/upgrade

Hi all,

Just joined the Elektron cult via the Model:Clycles.
Have a bit of background of FM Synths as I have several already (such as FB01, TX81Z, DX100, TQ5…) but this machine is providing me with a sound I really like, despite having its limitations in terms of sound design (let´s be honest we all end up using a “Lately Bass” or a sighly modified “Mars To” preset in the classic Yamaha machines…) the sound is quite powerful and the sequencer and the whole workflow is amazing.

So going straight to the topic, did anyone try to change the LCD screen of this or the Samples one?
I find the screen a bit crappy and was looking to upgrade it to an OLED or a negative mode LCD.

Your feedback is more than welcome!


have you checked if the screen protection foil is still on? Took me 2 month until I realized that it was on mine… removing made the screen a little bit better.

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Yeah, the foil it’s not there.
I mean, the LCD is not the worst I’ve seen but the machine deserves a better one, even the Monologue has an OLED display…

Ok, I will wait a couple of months before voiding the warranty, I’ll come back to you all once I open it up and check the specs of the LCD, it should be a standard 128x64 graphic one, I do not expect a custom one.


Ok, so it seems a custom LCD was used here.
MCDO048-TFH (M.odel C.ycles D.isplay?)
14pin but perhaps 16 as backlight (A-K) connectors seem to be overlaped with VDD and VSS.
Not so easy to find a compatible display.
Will keep working on it.

Any feedback will help!

P.S. the pcb is labeled as PCBA4201D (vs the C that was used in the Samples version)