Model Cycles MIDI Live Recording automation: message loss

My setup:
M:C receives USB MIDI CCs from Expressione E Touché SE and MIDI Notes from Novation Luanchpad PRO mk3

Goal: i want to play and record a melodic line via MIDI in M:C with CC automation recorded and played back in to M:C via CC MIDI (pitch variation, Volume-Dist variation) sent from my controllers.

When i play directly the notes wtih the controllers above, the M:C midi melody sounds goodd, with proper pitch changes anc volume changes and velocity.
If i record automations by tweaking knobs on M.C, everithing is fine.

When i do the same thing in Live Recording mode (without any quantization set), if i play realtime everithing is fine, but when M:C starts to playback, some message is lost. The result sonically is that the pitch and volume variation in the notes sound with jump, they are no more fluid as i played.
It seems that M:C is unable to record all the CC message from USB MIDI, but i’m sure that they are received because M:C plays it correctly in realtime when i performe.
I record with steps in 16th, as the default becouse i love 4 bars patterns.

I come from Albleton LIve workflow where a MIDI clip recorded and played live was correctly reproduce with a correct CC envelope without any loss or jump.

What i have to do? Do i have to buy Digitone to arrive to that level of MIDI CC “resolution” in MIDI recording.?

That’s correct: it’s a step sequencer.

No. The Digitone (and all Elektron sequencers) have the same behavior.

Thank you.
Do you think i have to approach that problem by live sampling (with OT or DT) the sounds from M:C?