Model Cycles randomly turning off

I have a Model Cycles that is randomly shutting off. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to when this occurs. I just lost about a half hour of work on a track I was excited about, but hadn’t saved and I’m gutted.

The device is on firmware 1.11.

Is anyone else experiencing this? The Cycles has been one of my favorite devices for the last year, but this new unreliability is making it impossible to work with.

I’ve noticed on my M:S that if I apply the slightest upwards pressure to the power cord where it plugs into the top it will instantly kill the machine’s power, others have complained of this, maybe you bumped it?


Thank you. I can’t say I was paying attention to moving it when it has powered off a handful of times in the last day. I’ll be more cognizant the next time.

I did test it out by wiggling the plug a bit and it didn’t power off.

I’ve been having this issue for a few days on my M:S. Seems like a hardware fault :neutral_face:

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mine came back from repair just a couple weeks ago because of this.

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Did you have it repaired by Electron? Wondering where I should send mine.

I sent mine to where I bought it because they paid postage (but destroyed the double packed beautiful box …). Elektron will repair it of course… but this is an easy fix that can be done by any shop I suppose

Thank you for your reply. If you have know any details of the issue and how it’s fixed, I’d appreciate hearing them very much.

the barrel connector easily breaks in the machine resulting in turning it off with the slightest motion of the cable

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Electribe syndrome.

Good to know this is a fairly common issue, I take extra care to treat my music gear very carefully so to have this happen is pretty annoying despite having plenty of warranty time left.

At least there’s that second barrel jack at the side in the case the small one breaks…
I guess finding an adapter that will fit it isn’t too hard, but here’s hoping that battery handle manifests some day.

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I had this issue with mine. Returned it to the reseller and they couldn’t reproduce the issue, so returned it to me. I’ve already had this happen once since I got it back… tried wobbling it around etc. and can’t reproduce so it’s a bit of a mystery! The reseller did say I can send it back in future if I have the issue again.

So a short update on this. I couldn’t reproduce this by wiggling the the connection at the barrel jack or putzing with the housing that plugs into the wall, but I found that if I gently shake the model cycles itself, it will reliably power down every time.

Any damage along the cable?
Cuts, pinches or separation at the plug or jack?