Model:Cycles Remote for free : Update 1.36


Many thanks for the great device.

I’ve tried to assign track mutes to buttons on my Launch control xl in user mode and while it works with no problems, the buttons are lit when the track is muted and unlit when the track is playing.
Ideally I’d prefer this the opposite way so it’s clear which tracks are ‘on’ and which are ‘off’.

When I assign the same buttons to Ableton’s track mutes they work as I would hope - lit when track is on, unlit when track is off.

Any ideas? I couldn’t really see anything in the Novation Components editor for the LCXL.

The buttons on the LCXL are set to transmit midi notes and I have also changed them to transmit CCs to no avail.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks again :slight_smile:


Sussed it!

I grouped Remote so I could have macro controls.
Mapped the first 6 macro knobs to the 6 track mutes.
This gave the same behaviour - when track playing button unlit, when track muted button lit.

Now, because I was mapping the midi controller to a macro knob, I could switch the polarity ie. instead of from 0-127 I could swap it to 127-0 and it gave the desired result!!!

When the track is playing, the button is lit, when the track is muted, the button it unlit.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Great work, sadly I can’t make anything work on my Live 11 installation, placing the m4l device and selecting the channel out to Cycles ( midi out in Live ) nothing happen, all the settings in the device seems correct…? any thoughts?