Model:Cycles Remote for free : Update 1.36

While being in quarantine for some days now and before starting to scratch the wall and catching flies, i did some work on a Remote for the Model:Cycles.

This one is for free…or what ever you like to donate :smiley:

Cheers…have phun

Grab it here :slight_smile:

Download and install the 2 Fonts first !!!

A little Info:

This is a first Release for Elektrons Model:Cycles.

It’s a Remote to use with Max for Live within Ableton.

You can switch Tracks, Automate and save Presets which are shared across all Tracks.

It has a Randomizer aswell. You can define which Parameter should be randomized.


To set Midi-Ports and Channels click on “Model:Cycles”-Logo on the right.

You should set them as in the Machine.

Be sure to enable MOut in all Tracks to get Parameters from the Model:Cycles when turning Pots.


Click on the “Elektron”-Logo on the left to access Randomizer and use also ALT to toggle between Randomizer and normal Mode.

Click on a Parameter to enable or disable for Randomization.

Shift-Click on Presetslots will save a Preset. You can load them on another Track.

Machines are not saved in a Preset. This way you can experiment with Presets from different Machines.


You can switch Tracks on the lower left “T1…T6…M”

“M” goes to the Mixerpage with Volume,Pan, Reverb&Delay Sends and Mutes.

Shift-Click on a Track-Mute-Button jumps to the selected Track while Shift-Click on Trackselector jumps back to the Mixerpage.

Also Shift-Clicking on “Machine” will Mute or Unmute the current Track.

To Do:

Setting Midi to Ext/Int (currently a dummy) for use with Racks i.E.

Windows version is in work.

Parts have to be splitted/separated, because Windows doesn’t

support Multiclient Midiports.

Kit Dump/Receive… Sysex has to be decoded first…puh

Model:Samples Version is coming aswell, since these are pretty much the same besided

some different MidiCCs.


Don’t have a Cycles but if I did I’d totally pay for this. Great work!


New Update now imports parameter from the Device via Sysex.
Autoimport while changing Pattern works also…and some more features.

[Elektron Model Cycles Remote for Ableton M4L v1.3 Update](https://Grab it!)


You might need to Func-Pattern to reload when opening the Device first, or change a Pattern.
Channels should be set in Model:Cycles like shown in the Remote when clicking on the right side “Model:Cycles”…I will implement changing Channels on a later Release.

Not all Parameters are in a dump, like SWING, CHANCE and Reverb/Delay Settings are not in a Sounddump encoded, they may exist in a Complete Pattern Dump. Fine-tune of LFO-DEPTH will come later however I can’t find a possibility to Fine-tune PITCH…no CCs are assigned for that.

If anyone knows a bit more about the undocumented Sysex I would love to hear.

Strange that you can’t enable MIDI-Out in the Model:Cycles as Global setting. I may be wrong, but haven’t found it yet.

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Over 50 downloads now…would love to hear some feedback wether it’s working or not, what to improve or what can be added…should i continue or stays it like that…cheers

Did a small Update.

Changing MidiChannels now possible. Performance optimised when using many Automation.

Next Release Cooking (needs further testing) comes with a hidden feature in the Cycles, which is not documented.:
LFO Hold…every trigger catches the current LFO Value without retriggering or modulation.
You can even save the Pattern in the Box and recall it later. I guess it will be an upcoming feature in the next OS Update.
I need people to help me with Sysex decoding on the Model:Samples side, because I don’t own it and would do it blind. But for Sysex-Dumps I need someone who can provide me some test dumps to investigate and compare them with Cycles. I need to know which Part of the SysexProtocol is doing what for the M:S. Please pm me or drop a a line here in this thread.


This is great! I recently downloaded a random percussion sound generator for my DN and was thinking that somebody need to make a parameter randomizer for the M:C and here it is!!!

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New Update v1.34 includes:

A new LFO-Trigger-Mode is activated. You can now select between various

LFO-Retrigger-Modes via a Dropdown-Menu. There is FREE, TRIG (which was RESET before), HOLD, ONE SHOT and HALF.

These are hidden in the Machine and so not selectable from the LFO SETUP in the Model:Cycles.

However if you save the PATTERN in the Machine itself, it will remember these settings. Maybe it will be implemented in an upcoming Update, who knows.


This is great work! I will try it as soon as possible. Thank you very much for sharing!

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Yoo this seems so good! Can’t wait for a Windows version, as this is not working with sysex :wink: I see the huge work done for this machine: so thank you!!

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Holy shit dude so i finally downloaded this thing and it is awesome for the parameter randomizer alone. Bravo sir.

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thanx very much…i did upload an update to 1.36 . not much change more to be consitent to my model:samples remote. changed the fonts aswell to be more near the original look. i still need to implement a help-layer or notes. but it‘s pretty self explanatory already i think.

Yeah dude totally. Don’t know why a bunch of people aren’t jumping on this. You basically made an overbridge for the model series minus the ability to track individual tracks at once. Haven’t got into the automation yet but that’s gonna take things to a whole new level.


well over a hundred downloads already…but not much noise in here so far :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

automation works quite good, dunno if it breaks when changing patterns. need to check that again, didn‘t had much time to invest, cause im at another thing aswell. still need to fix my machinedrum to continue with it’s remote thing also. Clock 2.0 is eating up time and the blofeld-remote is also next on schedule.
but it‘s nice to use the cycles remote with additional lfos from ableton. :wink:

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…don’t waste ur cool coding skills on a nice remote software for something that takes it’s main magic from it’s realtime “hands on” concept… :wink:

I agree, it would be great to have an (vidéo) overview of the possibilities of this tool in this thread!

Not a full tutorial per se but here is a vid of me using it. I use the remote to change the LFO speed of track 4 while I use the M:C itself to mess with the pitch of track 5. Then i use the randomizer on track 5.


looks cool…i will also do a video this eve showing some shortcuts etc…

you can also activate and deactivate parameter in the randomizer page by clicking on them.

btw. you should install the fonts provided in the gumroad folder, that way the remote should look a little cleaner. :wink:

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