Model Cycles & Samples, Headphones/Mixer

I understand that it doesn’t work to connect the M:C with the M:S directly via USB. But a USB (Host) Hub with a headphone jack could work, right? Or – even better – a dual USB Host to headphone jack. Not sure if either of those exist though (couldn’t find anything with a quick research). But that would be a neat and portable solution.

Or if you happen to be carrying an iPhone already, a CCK plus a USB hub?

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My guess is that if anyone considered doing that, they’d realise that their only market was a tiny proportion of the market already served by the simple pure audio devices listed above, and conclude it wasn’t worth their while.

I used a Mackie Mix8 for my M:S when I wasn’t using the OT as a mixer.

For the $75 I paid, it was nice having the stereo inputs, eq, and low profile of that mixer.

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Wow. Here, bought new, that costs about double the price you paid.

I bought mine new. That is really unfortunate. UK, right? I think of the place as expensive, especially considering salaries in my sector.

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Fair comment but usually dollars turn into pounds when buying these kind of things. Anyway, it is what it is …

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If you’re just trying to sum audio signals from multiple sound sources, I’d probably get a small little mixer. There are a bunch of options on Amazon, but I’d probably go with The Dude.

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The Dude (posted above) was what I was going to get for this very situation, but it was out of stock at the time, and my priorities have since changed a bit.

I’m hoping at some stage that iOS will support Aggregate Devices that way MacOS does. That way, you’d be able to connect both the M:S and M:C directly to an iPad or iPhone via a small USB hub, and run them together that way. But as it stands, you can’t.

But the Dude is mono, right? So probably not the best option with M:S/M:C. Or would you just use 2 mono inputs with each gear?

That’s true, I think The Dude is mono. You could either take up two channels on the dude or run the M:C in mono. Not sure what stereo mini mixers are out there.

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The Dude is indeed mono.

This is a bit entitled, but I just wouldn’t use the M:S for this. One reason for me is that I don’t like having tempo per-pattern. I’d just use the Octatrack for clock, mixing, samples, and resampling/looping. Maybe the Digitone can do a similar job?

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The Octatrack would most definitely solve the mixer-issue. On the other hand, I can get a DT/DN-Combo for about the same price (which could be more fun).

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The MC5 mini mixer is passive but sounds great and gives 4 stereo ins for 1 stereo out. It does bring the volume down a lot, but not low enough that I need my gear cranked all the way up. More like 90% :stuck_out_tongue:
However, I feel like I am losing a bit in dynamics through it. Maybe it’s just my ears being crazy though :thinking:

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Yeah, and you could even just choose one and stay plenty busy. I’d probably go for the DT as it seems like a better M:C complement.

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You got it wrong! You need all 3!


Poor old OP … he thought he was just going to buy a Model:Samples :wink:


Haha! Very good Elektron marketing. I might end up with all 3 indeed …