Model Cycles - sending odd midi control params

When muting/unmuting (func+Track) tracks i’m getting one midi cc reset to zero (on my MS2000 it’s the delay amount). The only midi output enabled is this one channel. This doesn’t seem right to me. Any ideas?

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Activating or deactivating MUTE on the M:C sends MIDI CC 94 if the MOUT feature is enabled on the track.

By default, the MS2000 uses MIDI CC 94 to control its DELAY FX depth.

I don’t have an M:C or an MS2000 to confirm, but I believe you have some options to change the behaviour:

  • on the M:C, the CC 94 message will not be sent if you set ENCS to “INT” in the CONFIG > MIDI > FILTER menu;
  • on the MS2000, Global Page 4’s CtrlChg setting allows you disable receipt of MIDI CC messages;
  • the MS2000’s Global Page 5 allows you to change the CC number used by each function.

The third option, if it works, would be the most precise way to change the behaviour.