Model:Cycles Tone Machine: 2-operator FM ideas

This week I’ve been working on making pleasant, melodic sounds using the Model:Cycles Tone Machine. e.g. sounds that work for melodies/tunes.

On the Digitone I find I can get very nice sounds with 1:1 ratio but with the M:C it sounds a bit lacking in brightness so I tend to go for higher ratios - on a side note, some of the ratios that are close but not quite on a whole number sound very nice.

What are some good things to try on this machine?

Also, suppose I create a nice patch that works well for a tune, what are some good ways to change the timbre on a note by note basis that add variety but without making it sound overly disjointed?

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I like to duplicate a nice sound on the next track, pan hard l/r, then change one a little. Nice stereo effect.

As far as what to p-lock, I can’t think of what NOT to p-lock. It’s the best!


subtle modulation of sweep and shape is fun, heavy modulation of color can be cool, envelope LFO on Colour can make some really snappy sounds

def agree about ratios I almost always choose the ratio directly above or below the even ratios, adds a nice bit of grit and makes synthesis sound less predictable/consistent/adds some free movement

if you haven’t tried it try the lowest ratio possible on Color, if you dial it in right you can get a soft lead with vibrato, can be cool for basses too


This is an excellent post and I will be following this thread closely for ideas. Hoping many experienced Cycles users will chime in here. Here’s my two cents:

• Patience and expirimentation with the LFO will lead you to some great things
• There is magic inside this machine. Use it like a wizard do.

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