Model cycles trig delete?

On the Model Cycles I try to delete trigs once I place them down on the 16 step sequencer. The only way I seem to be able to do it is if I [function]clear the sequence for that track. Is there a setting that could be preventing me from deleting individual trigs? Is my Model cycles broken?

are you in step rec mode? seems like you need to press the recording button

Yes I’m in step rec mode.

Use quicker presses on the buttons. There’s a very short delay between pressing a button down and it registering as a hold so you can add parameter locks. Sounds like you might be holding the buttons down for just too long.


so you see the steps you are trying to delete but nothing happens?

I can place down trigs…I just can’t delete them

I think psedlodux is right…I’m pressing down too hard & too long on the trigs for them to be deleted. They are just more sensitive than I’m used to.


Thank you!

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