Model:Cycles troubleshooting sequencer record issue

Alright cool people. I keep running into an issue and I bet you know the answer. So I find some tones and do live-rec on a few tracks. It sounds great. I get like 4 going then I want another one but no matter what I can’t get the live-rec to imprint on said track. I can hear tone when I play and I’ve made sure it’s not muted. I’m still pretty new to the device but it seems like even if I record using grid I still don’t hear anything. The track on the screen shows it’s not muted.

If you solve my problem, you will keep my head from aching.

And to clarify in grid mode I see steps lit up. Driving me bonkers!

That’s very bizarre behaviour. If this was on DN I would suggest you’re using up all the voices but each track has its own voice and no stealing happens on the M:C. So, in your project, you’ve used tracks 1-4 successfully, then track 5 won’t record or at least won’t sound once recorded? Same for track 6? Have you triple checked that the volume/distortion isn’t down on that track, or if you press and hold one of the recorded trigs, does it show that the velocity is well above zero? Also is the Chance knob set above 0%? Have you tried copying one of the working tracks over to track 5 to see if it plays okay then? Or started a brand new project to test if you get the same problems?

Edit: welcome to the forum btw! :slight_smile:


Excellent suggestion.
Try muting the first 4 tracks, as well, just to check the sound of the 5th.
Check volume level knob as well as the track volume (blue knob), raise the decay value…

Once you’ve made sure there is some sound, take care of each track level so everything is correctly balanced (then position the tracks in the mix with panning – Fn+blue knob – and reverb).


Thank you both for your input! I was working over a preset track so it’s possible some of those suggestions a re the culprit. I’m going to test later. Last night I just found a blank pattern in a later bank and had no issue so I think it’s some such settings as you mentioned associated to those preset patterns. Thanks again!

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