Model cycles try to send program change to minitaur - SOLVED!-

Hi everyone,
I am trying to connect the model cycles with a moog minitaur in order to chain a specific sound of the minitaur to a pattern played by the model cycles.
I have tried to use the program change feature of the model cycles but it does not work.
ps when I connect the minitaur to ableton the program change works brillantly, so it not an issue with the moog which it does receive messages correctly.
Anyone can help out?


Welcome to the forum!

There are many potential causes for this problem.

The first is the MIDI connection from the M:S to the Minitaur:

  • Are you using the Elektron adaptor to connect your MIDI cable to the MIDI Out port of the M:S?
  • What have you set for OUT POL OUT in the M:S’s CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu?

Secondly, on the Minitaur:
Presumable you have enabled reception of Program Change messages.

  • What input MIDI channel have you set?

Finally, on the M:S:

  • in the CONFIG > MIDI > SYNC menu, set PCH OUT to “ON”;
  • in the CONFIG > MIDI > OUT CHAN menu, set PCH OUT to match the Minitaur’s input MIDI channel number;
  • in the CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu, set OUT TO to “MID”;
  • in the CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu, set OUT/THRU to “OUT”.

Try that and let us know whether it works.


Hi Peter,
thanks for your help.

Yes I am using the elektron adapter and I have configured everything like you suggested, but still It doesn’t work.
I am sending midi notes from the mc to the minitaur and they are hooked up correctly.
To be honest I don’t understand what the problem could be…



Use the TRACK SETUP menu for track-related settings. Press [FUNC] + [TRACK] to access the TRACK SETUP menu. Press [TRACK] + [T1–6] to select the track to which you want to change the settings. Use the LEVEL/DATA knob to navigate and change the parameter settings.

9.4.2 MOUT

Will, when checked, send the tracks NOTE, VELOCITY, and TRIG LENGTH sequencer data to the Model:Cycles MIDI OUT for control of external MIDI devices. The data are sent on the track’s MIDI channel set in the CHANNELS menu. For more information, please see “12.3.3 OUT CHAN” on page 43.

So what are your answers to my questions in my previous post?

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yes, I am using an elektron adapter


input channel number 1 which is the same for the minitaur.

in the CONFIG > MIDI > SYNC menu, set PCH OUT to “ON”;
in the CONFIG > MIDI > OUT CHAN menu, set PCH OUT to match the Minitaur’s input MIDI channel number;
in the CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu, set OUT TO to “MID”;
in the CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu, set OUT/THRU to “OUT”.

I follow all these instructions, but still I can’t manage to get it working.
For sure there is something I am missing.

Another question…where do I set up the number of the preset I want to recall on the minitaur?

Thanks very much for your time and help

There is not a lot more to check. Re-check all the settings.

The M:C only sends the MIDI Program Change message when it changes its pattern and the Program Change value reflects the pattern number. So:

  • when it changes to pattern A01, it sends Program Change value 0;
  • when it changes to pattern A02, it sends Program Change value 1;
    and so on until
  • when it changes to pattern F16, it sends Program Change value 95.
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What about the post I sent you. Did you activate MOUT in the Track Setup Menu?

That setting is irrelevant for Program Change messages. In post 3 the OP says that they can send MIDI Note messages from the M:C without problem.

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You are absolutely right. This is about Program Change. I don’t know why I thought this was about sending Notes to the Minitaur. My fault. I’m reading too many threads.

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Hi Peter,
Now I understand and it works perfectly!
Thanks so much for your help


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