Model:Cycles turns off, power supply/input problems?

Hello, I have lost quite a few jams so far, and about three of those made me amazingly infuriated because they were actually good, like really good! (This just happened, and is why i am writing this)

And thee songs are gone forever because they decided to put the shittiest power supply on this thing…

I don’t know if it is the power supply or the socket that is not working correctly but something is not right, i have treated the device nicely and there are no visible signs that it should malfunction like this, i SHOULD be able to move the thing a couple of centimetres without it shutting off.

Is anyone else having this problem, and if so did you send it back to get it fixed or did you change power supply?

Also instead of buying a new power supply can I use the input that is meant for the power handle to power it from the wall, and if so what specs do that power supply need to have to not fry the entire thing

And to the electron team, can you please make a shortcut to save the project? Or at least hold the ongoing project in the RAM when it shortcuts the power because it does hold on to what you make if you manually shut it off…

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Turn it on and hold the barrel firmly sir that the cable doesn’t move, then wiggle, if that breaks power then it’s your board

if you plug the cable in and wiggle the cable ever so gently and that stops power then it’s your lead - this would not surprise me, firstly it’s super short and easy to get taught, although it has good strain relief, so if it was taught it could do something to the board I guess

also look at far end of cable near plug for evidence of issues

info required here

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I have read many M:S users with this problem. I am one of them, in fact. You are the first I have read about the same problem in M:C

Most of them sent their units to Elektron & they returned a new unit, where the problem is not present. So it seems a confirmed factory error

In my case I have taught myself to keep that cable secured by something, so it won’t move :sweat_smile:

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Thanks, tested it out and it is definitely the cable and not the device that is broken.

I plugged inn a 12v 1.0A power adapter in the battery connector, and it is working fine, only strange thing is that it reset the button and screen brightness to low and i had to put them back up.


I have this problem too, really annoying, guess I’ll have to send it back!

Just wondering how many others have this issue and if you have successfully got a replacement? I’ve had my M:C cut off a few times, I sent it back to the retailer and they said they can’t repro the issue in their testing.

Yep, sent mine to elektron, they replaced the PSU. I was wrong in assuming it was the MC.


I’ve had the PSU replaced on my M:S, I think I’ve still been able to repro.

Not a fan of these thin barrel connectors, hope Elektron avoids them in the future :frowning:


I had a similar problem with mine when I first got the Cycles. The region-specific prongs were very tight and didn’t seat properly, so I had intermittent power loss. I gave it a nice power-squeeze and it locked into place and I’ve not had any issues since.

This isn’t necessarily the case for all, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Hrm, i’ll check that possibility out. I haven’t had it repro since my Models have been wired up securely vs lap-tapping.

I had the same happening to me when I had the Cycles in my lap… so it seems like it‘s not built well. Lost 6 patterns (I was really angry…). I always thought Elektron devices would all more or less autosave.

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Ugh, yeah. When holding it in-lap I definitely save often out of fear.

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it’s now at a point where I have to send it in… unusable. Shortest lifespan of a synth I ever owned.

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Yep, quite frustrating. The retailer has had mine for weeks and say they are unable to reproduce the issue despite extensive testing so want to send it back to me. Annoying as I know the issue is there, I guess I’ll accept it back and keep an eye on it, as long as they are happy to take it back at any point during the warranty if it gets worse.

oh man, that was it! Thanks for mentioning it really needs few tries to get it right

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Man this is so frustrating. I got the retailer to take my unit back and send it to Elektron after the fault kept happening, who replaced the PSU - even though I think the issue seemed much more like when a power connector starts coming loose from the circuit board.

First jam since its return and the same thing happens. Lost a really cool pattern I was working on as the “temp save” apparently doesn’t get “committed” until you either power off or save project. Really pissed :frowning:

Back it goes. I’m guessing it’s just a batch of faulty units as there don’t seem to be hugely widespread complaints about this.

I think it’s just the design. The cable doesn’t seem to take a lot of flex before it loses contact.

I replaced the PSU but it didn’t help, I need to not have it on the couch with me :confused:

Damn, really? That’s rubbish if so. Being able to use it on the sofa is the whole point of a small groovebox like this for me.

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I sent a diplomatic email to support, maybe they’ll be able to help me out further?

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Using my Cycles a lot in bed/on my lap these days, and it shut down multiple times because I moved an inch or so. Tried to reproduce it on the Samples… it does the same - not always, but often - if you wiggle the cable.

Anyone ever got a proper fix for this, DIY or from Elektron?

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