
The M:S and M:C totally remind me of the last Electribe releases, but more intuitive Elektron Sequencer.


Clear your desk, clear your mind. Embrace the Model line.

That’s not true. Ess confirmed M:C can do things DN cannot. Definitely getting it

I think if I did that I’d get a stick to the head

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Model:MEEP :upside_down_face:

Christ. I never realised! BOB EATS :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


just time, i am overthinking this i ques… when i stop thinking to much, i just like it, sounds fun, and i hear sounds i have been after. I like this soft subbass it can produce and crispy glitchy tops at the same time, i find most of the staff i use i have to cut at low mids to opened it up a little, analog staff… the closest i got to it was with nord lead 2x. Thanks

you are missing the point. If you haven’t experienced fixed operators for drum/percussive sounds the I suggest you should stop in insinuating things. The current presets and range of the operators doesn’t get you there.


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The ratios aren’t fixed on the Cycles either


i am curious, what is your opinion on this fm machines here ?
congratulations, great job on this one :muscle:
also DN if it is you who was behind it, sounds great.

That’s fine but would it be possible to add that feature to the DN?

I think I’ll end up picking this up at some point. Seems like the perfect thing to put in my backpack at work with an op1 and may even get pick up the samples at this rate. Kudos elektron. The keepers of fun!


Anybody else here is impressed by how perfect is this product release ? First the teasing with pieces from the trailer to raise the hype then the leak followed by the big reveal with YT stars demoing the MC and finally the product ready to ship from Elektron resellers, no fucking bs pre order or anything like that. Some companies should learn a few things from them.


As far as M:C advantages over DN, let’s go off of what we know so far.

  • It has 2 extra tracks. (Though 2 less polyphony)
  • More knobby / direct interface
  • Retrig
  • Many pre-loaded Chord types
  • Class Compliant Audio over USB
  • Batter pack accessory
  • Chance parameter

Edit - does the M:C have portamento?


I ordered the second it went online. It’s £300 and sounds dope.
I was hoping for pretty much this in a digi box but with some extra synthesis style machines like the MD and would have easily spent 700 on a digi-MD.
Yes there’s a few features missing, but the right limitations can lead to the most creative outcomes.


Also, if the chord track has 4 voices but also has unison detune, does that mean it has 8 voices?

Edit - I know it’s essentially 4 operators and more simple but that’s pretty cool.

Good to know, I was hoping this would be the case :+1:

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A couple of us asked for fixed ratios like Ableton Operator on the Digitone Feature Request thread. Someone even made a video of how it should be. I’m sure they’re listening and considering the development time versus the payoff for the majority of users

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The million dollar question!