
Coming in 3 years

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Well, THAT’S versatile. :sunglasses:

Congrats on yet another great product.

And thank you for your work on the DT. I love this unique little beast.

Class compliance is balanced out or bettered by individual track recording via OB, surely? But otherwise, yes, it seems to have a lot of advantages :slightly_smiling_face:


I suggested it in the other thread and made the videos.


Aha! Kudos for the videos!

This seems like such a well thought out little box that I didn’t know that I needed.

Those pesky Elektron have no respect for my retirement fund! :smile:

Just got my shipping notification :rofl:


Very impressive demo from @Dataline! :thup:
Sounds really good.


Nope. You either choose monophonic unison mode or paraphonic chords

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Anywhere I Europe still have them for sale? I missed out earlier.


Strangely Thomann (from France) doesn’t have it listed :pensive:

Because you need to say the secret phrase:


i was checking it right now, it’s there. didn’t try to pay it, but it says available immediately.

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Yeah I like the box, would be a nice lil extra for the digitone. Not sure if I will buy. Something about that tin sound from samples as well. Yes it’s only YouTube but then again I only hear it from these…
When samples came out I asked if it’s the same sound engine… maybe I asked with wrong terminology, the answe was yes…
I think the samples is great as well as cycles, probably more so.
But hey f it for the money it’s great. Nice add on. Really just saying that fucking metallic tin sound on alllllll samples vids and now this…
I dunno
I still want lol :wink:

If iron is good for you, then the M:C is a healthy and affordable choice for everyone!

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Maybe a cache issue because I might have been checking for new Elektron products a lot recently

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They added it on a previous update.
It’s on the second page of SYN1

What? Fix one of the ratios? Really?

Not fixed, I think I’ve misunderstood. I thought you meant not fixed ratios.

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This product is not my thing but glad it’s scratching the itch for some… now back to the ‘What’s next for Elektron?’ thread