
Oh ok I did not know that. I personally would go with something like the Makie Mix5 then run that into a Zoom H5. Two Models a mixer and a recording device with room to spare in my backpack!

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Leave “Readers Wives” out of it :joy:


Damn straight! That would be a fantastically productive little setup

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Or I could go straight into the Zoom H5 and bypass the mixer altogether.


Exactly. And your mixing skills would improve no end if you’re forced to do it all in hardware rather than constantly saying I’ll fix the levels and EQing in Ableton later on. I record stereo mixes out of OT all the time. Love that one pass, ‘living on the edge’ kind of mixing :blush:


Prototyping has been done in MAX/MSP but not the actual implementation. That DSP is in assembler and C.


Makes sense, and quite a convenient way to try stuff out before committing to hard coding.

Kind of the software equivalent of breadboarding.


Love Max/MSP and Pure Data and lately I have a big love for FAUST. But when you need to optimize and deploy on a platform it’s usually not enough.


Great realtime performances by Mario, and @Ess was the fucking man. Love the Burial meets Tim Hecker vibe. Super chill while performing too.
Also learned Sierra Nevada Tropical Torpedo is the official IPA of Elektron.


It was really cool seeing how packed it was at the Perfect Circuit event. I’m pretty sure 95% of the folks there knew about the leak before arriving, so it just goes to show how many people actually dig the Model: series.

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The M:C is class compliant so I could plug straight into my phone and record a picnic jam. I love that but if I want to incorporate the M:S I’ll need a mixer and lose the ability to record into the phone.
That’s where the Zoom H5 would come in. It’s also class compliant and it would sum two stereo inputs into the phone! That would allow me to quickly grab a video of myself rocking the M:C and M:S and upload a YouTube vid before I even finish my sandwich! :joy:


Did anyone who ordered directly from Elektron receive notice that it shipped?

Damn hipsters.


aaand that’s what i’m talking about: low level machine code stuff is quite some serious work, thx 4 that :slight_smile:


They sent me a tracking number but I don’t think the package is actually in the mail yet.

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I’ve received notice it’s waiting to be picked up by UPS

Thank you both. Same with me. Was getting anxious :grin:

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Yes, of course I could do this all by myself (maybe I could build my own CPU out of transistors while I am at it :wink:) but that was not my point because how am I going to use it in the M:C?!

I am talking about a tool to design your own M:C-FM-machines.

Imagine having a user-friendly software tool that doesnt need programming knowledge with an interface like a regular FM-VST to design your own FM-patch based on the Elektron DN/M:C-FM-architecture.

You create the patch and define those four macro knobs that do the main sound sculpting in the M:C-machines, then upload your own custom-made M:C-machine and play with it.

Pretty much like Novation did with their editor for Circuit-patches.

I am sure the community would come up with crazy machines (FM can get really wild) and it would enhance the freshness of sounds coming out of a M:C for years to come. Because let’s be honest while the existing machines may be really flexible because of their FM-nature, it’s in my opinion inevitable that they will become kind of stale with time.

Just a pipe dream really, but a dope one if you ask me :sunglasses:


Could you use a passive USB hub connected to the phone (via the camera kit) to connect the M:C and M:S at the same time?

Sorry if I missed it, but has anyone posted the video from the Perfect Circuit stream?