
Oh I will! :yellow_heart: In fact I might even pay a tiny bit more to buy it from direct from Elektron as a thank you.

Absolutely! The M:S M:C combo is very appealing. Especially how affordable and portable this combo is. Very exciting times to be a musician on a budget!!!


I do tend to fill in the spaces between with reverb and delay, mind… the Model : series seems like they could be particularly good for that.

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Is there a decksaver combo coming?

I think a decksaver was just released.

Really torn between the Cycles and the Microfreak, to accompany my Blackbox for an ultra-mobile setup. Leaning to the MF now, because it can be powered by the battery pack that is already powering my BB. Really feels like 2005, a handle with batteries in it.

Choices, choices…

Aye judging from what I’ve seen M:C would be ideal!

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You would need some form of mixer though as neither has audio inputs.

One day when funds allow, I hope to get both. In the meantime, a friend dropped by yesterday with a different kind of grey box to lend me, so I’m having fun running a modded MC-202 through a Bastl Thyme instead. Not sure what the BPMs are, mind - but nice and slow.

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People are complaining and calling it a toy because they want to buy the device, but then realise that they can’t actually use it because it has been intentionally gimped on some pretty basic features, like number of outputs.

20-30 years ago supplying just a single pair of outputs to a multi-channel device and your device would be thought of as a toy, Yamaha SU10, Boss DR550 , Akai S20 etc etc

The M:C is for sure very different from the DN and AF.

It feels to me like a further distillation of the approach used on the MD, MM, and AR, where the synth machines offered up to 8 parameters, several of which were like macros in that they controlled more than one element of the sound generation apparatus.

I always wanted a synth where the controls were defined more in terms of emotions or personal characteristics (anger, sadness, reflection, joy) than electronic component parameters. Maybe the M:C is one step in that direction.

For me, the test for the M:C is whether the distillation has been done well enough that it continues to fascinate after the initial novelty wears off.


I made some awesome beats on the SU10 back in the day. What was it six seconds of sampling time? Def not a toy. I think Atari Teenage Riot used it too

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I just used it to record and transfer midi samples to an SY85.

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Nice that’s probably my favourite sounding machine from them!

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Thankfully there’s plenty of options. There’s even battery operated mixers. Korg makes one in the Volca series and Bastle makes small mixer that runs on two AA batteries I believe. Or you could get a small Makie mixer. This would be perfect for both Models and a mono synth.

The Korg isn’t battery powered unfortunately otherwise it would be perfect for a mobile M:S and M:C setup

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Are the Digitone and Digitakt toys too? They’ve only got stereo outs.

Of course it has more limited features than a more expensive machine - that’s no surprise is it?

But the word “toy” is one of those meaningless internet dismisives, like “hate”, that gets bandied about thoughtlessly. I used to frquent camera forums where fat, middle-aged bearded men who only ever took pictures staid and boring portraits of their fat, middle-aged bearded wives would shout “toy!” at any camera that wasn’t the size of a loaf of bread (they all had “large hands”, you see), and didn’t come with a grip that could fit 3 batteries, so they could spend hours taking said staid and boring portraits without recharging. Meanwhile, the rest of us got to work taking pretty good pictures with whatever we had - “toy” or not.

If you can’t use this with your prefered workflow, that’s understandable. Not everything is for everyone.

If you can’t actually use it at all, the problem’s probably not with the device.


there already is one: it’s called Max/MSP and only needs a dedicated MIDI-controller :slight_smile:

the DN & M:C are also based on Max/MSP-patches afaik. don’t misunderstand me: all the work and twaeking and programming is a form of art by itself and requires a lot of effort and patience. but in fact you can achieve everything in the digital realm with clever DSP-programming in Max/Reaktor/Axoloti/PureData

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You gave me a giggle there :joy:

Fisher Price started off as a synthsizer company.