
That’s so true. You just wanna pick it up, hold it and bring it home.

But I did not. For that, I am a bit proud of m’self.


well done. you certainly should :grinning:

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Have you tried using retrig to create claps? I really don’t know how effective that would be compared to using the LFO, it just occurred to me. Will have to try tonight.


I tried that on my stream on Saturday, it didn’t quite work but it resulted in interesting sounds anyway :elmm:

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That’s a great idea actually. I really dig the multi peak envelope on the Korg Volca Drum for claps and other weird sound design.

Hurry the hell up Sweetwater! I’m getting all itchy!

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Got my M:C shipped today …
just so you all know … because this is very important


If he was a friend, why put him in butter?



It’s a Swedish thing. Surprised Elektron didn’t do a teaser on it yet.

(got out of that one nicely, I think, mmm yes)


The Model has landed! :grinning:


Rather disappointingly though, I think I’ve got a dodgy headphone output. Have tried with multiple adapters and with every one of them, if you insert it all the way, the output is very thin and you lose various tracks! If I pulk it out a bit and wiggle it I get full output. See below…

Anyone, Bueller… Bueller…?

are your headphones TRS or TRRS?


I don’t know for you but I would have liked the Pattern Change based on the slowest Scale per Track in the Pattern or at least to be optional.

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Have you tried different headphones? There’s a gain setting for the headphone output in one of the settings menus that you could try but doubt that would be the issue there.

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arghrrr :robot:

have you solved the headphone output issue ??

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And my MC just arrived!

Got to work :frowning: but had to take it out the box for a look. I laughed at the MS when it was announced writing it off as a horrible looking toy/hospital tool (!) but having one in hand I’ve got to say, I actually really like this form factor. Looks and feels great in person.

But, it’s about how it sounds. That first out of the box patter sounds lovely!


Func+encoder turn doesn’t offer same function?

OOOF…that one is pretty key.
So that means you’re wiping all locks. Can’t just remove one from the encoder that you want? :grimacing:

There must be a way

Checked the manual…

Little diff way of doing things.

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I tried it as well today with my headset - didn’t work either…

Yeah mine arrived today as well, been sitting with DPD since Saturday morning, man they just kept screwing it up hah!
I also thought it felt nicer than expected, solid and not fugly at all. Totally beckons to be used on the couch!

Had a 40min sesh on my lunchbreak which was just enough time for me to frantically twist, turn and push things like a madman. Easy enough to work out most functions. Some really awesome deep sounds, as well as guttural dirty dankness.

One thing that strikes me is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to scale the track distortion as it’s tied to the volume….hope I’m wrong. Looking forward to getting a proper session tonight tho!

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You can turn down the track level with the blue knob which let’s you really push distortion at lower volumes.