
Awesome, thanks you kindly. I have read the manual but missed this. It would seem particularly useless otherwise

Only by my partial insertion method. Gotta try with another set of headphones as suggested but I’m up against it workwise with a deadline to hit so it will have to wait, but immediate thoughts on the actual box are pretty promising. Loving some of the sounds and the speed and ease you can get things rocking is second to none.

Not sure, just got my Bose one’s that I use out and about and in bed. Haven’t had a chance to get down to the Mothership to try another pair.

Just fiddling. Factory pattern B16 playing with CTR-AL probability… LOVE IT!
Can’t wait to actually get some proper time with this little bad boy! :grinning::+1:

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I haven‘t had a lot of luck with that. And I know, if I get flagged it‘s fully deserved.


Sounds exactly like what happens when using TRRS phones with a built in mic.


Aaaargh! “Model:Cycles : In stock within 2-3 weeks”. on Thomann :disappointed:

:wink: can remove single locks like this.


Ooh, Saucy!

You’re going to go through a period, as a multi-decade Elektron fanatic, where the different ways of doing things are going to be a little bumpy.

But after you come to grips with those bumps, you don’t notice them as much. What you do notice is the speed at which you get to interesting patterns, ideas, sounds.
For me, with the M:S, the ends (finished tracks) have justified the means (simplified feature set).
I hope this becomes the case for you, as well. :slight_smile:


That is correct Commander.
Exactly what it was.
Tested with my studio cans and normal service is resumed.
Nothing to see here, move along, move along.:+1:

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Now I feel old :rofl:

3 decades! Yikes!

Edit: Actually decade span is just about 4, double yikes!


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To save the pattern you are working on, in order to recall it later, like after shutting it down. Also, when you are jamming away, making changes, tweaking things using Control All, and then you can hit FUNC + PATTERN to reload the last saved point. There is also a temporary save as well that can work for this, and be another point to revert back to.

dang new kids and their new fangled menu knobs! </hank hill voice>



Yep, it was indeed a TRRS issues.
Thanks to @jottwehh and @Hawk.
This place is ace!:star2:


I got a shipment notification from Sweetwater about an hour ago - hopefully you did as well!

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'just the tip"

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Great, enjoy :+1:

How hot is the headphone output on this? Similar to the Analog and Digi stuff?

I still don’t really see the point.
According to my tests :
If you save the project, it saves all patterns.
If you shut the unit down, it saves the patterns.