
From the number of responses you’re absolutely not. I was already looking at the MS before my MC had even arrived.

What my MC has told me is that I really rather like the form factor and build. I can see the MS’s eventually hitting close to £200 on the 2nd hand market in time too. What would tip me over the edge would be videos of folk using the MS melodically with samples. Yeah it’s cool to load it up with my favourite drum machines and what not but if pairing with a MC I’d like one to do beats and the other to do, well, “other stuff”.

Musn’t think this though. Got a DK coming and need to calm it. This is making me recall how I was years back when I first got into Elektron stuff and the bug really bit. Must remember the life lessons that phase taught me!!!


So OT arp into M:C is badass….you can just enter live record mode and that’s it stored onto M:C which is real nice. I did setup cc’s and use the OT lfo’s but I need to familiarise myself with M:C better as it was just a bit much too soon.
Really enjoying the sounds but definitely struggling to break from my subtractive mindset. The trig keys are gonna take some more getting used to as well.
Powerful box and plenty of depth of sounds in there.


Hmm well after my first hour or so with it tonight I’m not really feeling it. I was hoping to be able to coax some softer sounds out of it but not yet been really able to, and when I do they have such a narrow range. Also the drum synths feel rather limited. I’m going to give it another day or so and decide whether I keep it or not. I love the form factor and knob per function, very refreshing way of working with the Elektron workflow.
I did hit some lovely sweet spots.
I think I need to plug a keyboard in for playing melodic parts too.
It is really comfortable just sitting on my lap on the couch, something the DT is not so great for

it’s not a replacement for the DN. I would only consider doing this if I didn’t like/use my DN. it’s a very different machine.

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I didnt like the m:c the first day I got it. Give it some time, it might grow on you.


I think I am sorta in this camp but I think it just needs some more time. The interplay between the parameters is pretty vast and alien, so I find myself losing sounds rather than making them but trying to be more fluid in my approach.

Yeah, the parameters tend to interact with each other in such a way that there are a lot of subtle spots in the range of each param that can result in unique sounds. And that’s even before extreme LFO exploits.


Yeah, I’ve found that there is more range than you initially think. Try for example really high or really low notes, or adding maximum distortion (and using track level to reduce volume again if desired) and/or punch. These bring out totally different sounds in each of the machines, and make all the parameters interact differently again - for example, I find Contour on the Chord machine doesn’t do that much usually, but if you distort/punch it you can get some really nice modulation with Contour.

That said, I don’t think this is currently the ideal machine for “softer sounds” as @Buska says - the lack of attack and filter particularly impact this. You can get some softer sounds with work but it defaults more to “punchy”. I’d love to see the range expanded with future machines, but already find it very inspiring for my tastes (techno mainly)


Yeah the punch really changes things quite drastically at times. I find myself tweaking one param an then going an tweaking all the others to see how that effects them.
I think what I have been struggling with most is hearing where I want to take a sound but not being able to get to that point.
I’ve been hanging out for DN for a while but when this came up at half the price I wanted to give it a shot. Been going back an listening to as much DN stuff as I can find an I’m not liking the sound as much compared to M:C :rofl:
Had a few nice pad an soft lead sounds but it begs for grit an dirt hah.
It’s a great contrast to the dark trinity tho!

Transformed the experience for me. Made a huge difference


If you want to combine “soft” with m:c, the A4 immediately springs to m mind… A4 can sound a lil too soft at times


I think I’ll use my Circuit as a keyboard for my m:s and future m:c… that will bring pads and scales on 4 octaves (+ some va goodness if needs arise…)

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not so much lately…

I think it’s mostly Nord Rack but there’s some Yamaha RY30 lurking in there.


In stock at Musicians Friend, for now at least. They’re pretty good about 15% off if you call them.They also mail 20% coupons regularly.

Ae used it for both.

Nord needs to make a new one.
The old ones are a bitch to use, having to use Wine.

Same box, update the UI a little, add a couple new nodes…and I’ll find a way to get money for one…

[c’mon guys]

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I was in this boat too, thinking that the M:C could cover for me what the DN used to. It can… And it can’t. They are different machines, and can probably work well together. I’m going to spend some time over the next month determining if the overlap allows me to go only with the M:C, or if the DN is too useful to let go. I recently realized I’m crappy at crafting patches on the DN (could be out of practice) and would mainly grab a preset and tweak it to my liking. With M:C, I am having a great time twisting knobs with wreckless abandon and finding all these little corners of interesting stuff – quickly! I was tweaking a kick yesterday and kept coming back to a great, gritty bass tone. I should’ve saved the preset, but I wanted to stay in the flow. I’ll find it again! Anyway, that may not help, but I think I’m in the same boat as you.

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Finally got to try one at the shop, it’s hard NOT to make it sound like LP5. Sooooo good.


I wanna hear more banging techno made with M:C, like the stuff @djadonis206 made with his.

Some fun stuff in the M:C music thread but not really in that style.