
yes sure, I know. Just the question if the M:C fills my fm needs enough. I still have the A4, and while very different from the DN, I use it for similar tasks in a track.

that‘s great to hear :slightly_smiling_face: I guess what I‘m looking for

seems I‘m going to sell some other stuff and try M:C and DN side by side

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Yeah - it was hard to explain, so that’s all I could come up with at the time! Im trying to figure that out for myself as well, hehe

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I’ve got a couple of quite fun loops going on, will see if I can extend them into a recording. It does a nice job for techno I find, the FM sounds suit the style, the distortion has the right crunch, and the chord machine is quite nice for stabs. Also, techno lends itself to arranging on the fly with small modulations of course :slight_smile:

Been spending some more time with the Cycles now. Here are my impressions:

If you’re looking at Elektron as a groove box developer, this one’s the closest so far, for the very simple reason that it does drums, bass, synths, even chords, really well - in a format that truly inspires. As an all rounder for just getting shit done, it’s their best box yet.

While the macros are carefully picked to bring out the best in each machine, you’ll hit a sound design wall quickly. But until you’ve banged out at least enough tracks to put together a show or an album, that’s not an issue in practice, is it? Coherence and consistency is almost always a good thing in a defined context, so while ýou might outgrow the sound of the Cycles eventually, it’s not like you can’t get a generous amount of tracks with solid variety out of this thing. You certainly can.

Essentially, it’s like bringing in the band. You got a set of musicians now, with an already high level of output quality. Make the most of it. In time, you might want something else. But if you gel with this on the get go, chances are, that time is either far away or more a perception in your mind of how flexible a groove box should be in terms of sound design, which in reality might be an excuse for not writing tracks now that you got virtually nothing stopping you but talent, time and patience.

If you don’t gel with the sound, though, it might not be worth the bother. To me, it sounds like most everything from the Knife’s Silent Shout album. Their best, I think, which is why the Cycles is growing on me.


Plus I feel like external fx and just what you can do to it once you sample it means like everything it can have plenty of legs in the sound design world if you have the right stuff to go along with it. It is certainly fun on its own but I have a feeling once integrated more fully into a set up it certainly will add a lot to it, really just like most gear.

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Tried to clean my screen thinking there was some dirt on it there :joy:


Yeah, I bought this looking at it as a more interesting (to my tastes) alternative to something like a TR-8 – something to go to for easy drums that sound great. The fact that it actually has an impressively wide range and is a super fun groovebox is a nice bonus, I’ve not touched another piece of gear since I got it!


Definetly the same for me, it has really grown on me the last couple of days. Almost to the extent that I love the little device.

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I recorded a few loops from it this morning and took it to a studio I’m working with. Positions itself extremely well in the mix. Get the macros right, and there’s not much you need to do after that.


I’ve only spent a couple of hours mucking about with it but it really does sound/mix well. Not describing that well, but everything sort of hangs together fairly easily and with punch too Especially if you need it on those kicks.


OMG - The Knife - Silent Shout. What an inspiring album. I also hear a lot of people talk about getting Autechre like sounds out of this. They were one of my fav IDM band bands back in the day (BoC though had more replays though). I looking to do towntempo / sparse / melodic IDM with hooks. It’s not really a genre though so nothing to compare to. It’s just what comes out most naturally for me.

I got my M:C yesterday, in a soaking wet box that they left on the doorstep in the rain. Luckily the interior wasn’t soaked through. The knobs feel good. No noticeable wobble on the click knobs unless you move them with an unusual amount of force and definitely no play at all in the other knobs. They have a good movement with the right amount of resistance. The pads feel good. The overall build feels great. I don’t know what everyone is complaining about.

Will actually get some kind out of the thing soon. Maybe record directly into my zoom H2 because I’ll be damned if I’m getting in front of the computer again after a 10 hour day getting my ass beat left right and center. Corporate IT, the golden handcuffs. The dichotomy of both making me a miserable shell of my former self and yet allows me to buy the gear I want. Those are the real dilemmas.

I 100% agree that bad ass world changing music is going to be released because of these “cheap” boxes like the M:C - M:S - Volca Line - entry level monosynths - cheap software and cheap computing power. Sure the next hit album probably won’t be made with a Volca but it plants the seed and gives the first experiences that then go on to maybe eventually grow into something magnificent.

Doesn’t anyone remember scraping and saving for their first piece of (probably cheap) gear?? Yamaha RX8 that me and my buddy had to split in order to purchase. How much fun it was to read through the cryptic manual and once we finally got that beat laid out we would just listen to one bar for like an hour.

Anyways, weekend coming up. Headphones :headphones: (found the 1/4 inch adapter!) and M:C on a clean desk - gonna be fun!


Remember it’s also a class compliant USB device so you may be able to record directly to your phone/tablet over USB :slight_smile:


Indeed! One of the standout features of the models, you almost always have a “master recorder” nearby :nyan:

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It totally is, I made tons of downtempo sparse melodic IDM in the early 00s :slight_smile: (actually that’s what the pattern “Modex 2003” refers to—my alias at the time)


I had a bash at this last night and it’s got a really decent sound an dead silent. Gain staging was a bit touchy. Was pretty impressed tho. Nice to be able to pass audio back thru it from my laptop as well!

Doh completely forgot about that. Have a usb A to lightning cable already and everything. Thanks for the reminder!


Throw me some links please man! DM maybe since we want to keep the thread on topic?

Maybe I’m just 17 years late to the game ROFL :rofl:(I’m usually only about 2-3 years off trend but I still get excited when I find something I like no matter when it was in vogue)

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when will the new batch of M.C. be ready for sale?

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Does anyone else get a sort of multi-timbral DFAM vibe from the Model:Cycles - This is Kick video?

It’s got me thinking of how I’d use it in a more raw, techno context.