


@tsutek might be worth contacting Elektron to buy a few spare knobs to experiment on?

Thanks, but I guess I’ll keep the caps as they are for now. Making everything pretty can come later, when the unit has already grimed up some. I’ll manage somehow. :tongue:

I’m loving the M:C. It’s definitely limited compared to other Elektron boxes but within those limitations it’s a lot of fun and is interesting.

My favorite thing about it so far is that if you start distorting the sounds they interact in a very interesting and pleasant way.


Maybe try a sharpie or other permanent ink pen.

Indeed, this is also true of TR-606/TR-808 to an extent too, driving the internal mix buss hard - a lot of classic tracks feature this. I suspect it was entirely intentional by @ess and Elektron to allow this feature.


Of course! Its just a way to get one extra parameter onboard, kinda like adding the rytm’s overdrive knob on to the top range of the volume control. I actually love that both volume and distortion are baked into the same knob vs, the imolementation on the DN.

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Or a pleasant side effect of the lower fidelity oversampling?

It really is a great box for impromptu jams that can lead to tracks or sample material.

Just like the M:S is a blast with long samples and ctrl-all for unexpected yet very musical pattern variations, the M:C shines with the control-all on the sound engines.

Most of the time you ll start a beat or a jam and end up ditching the pattern version before ctrl-all madness, it’s just that fun and it sounds that good.

Limitations are a blessing and a curse with Elektrons but they nailed it with this one , cant wait to try other machines down the road on the M:C.

@circuitghost did you record your set ? very interested to hear it.
btw Dataline’s demo encourages us to really build short live sets on this little box, his demo take on it is gorgeous.

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Nope, didn’t record it, wasn’t expecting it to be any good. But I do have all the patterns left and intend to record parts of it as a session instead, so I’ll publish pieces of it soon. My cans just broke, tho, and with no monitors, I got nothing to work on :slight_smile: but once this hiatus is over, I’ll get back to it.


Same here.

And the HPF/LPF cutoff on one knob.

:::chef’s kiss:::

Amazing what all can be controlled with 12 track knobs and a few buttons.

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Yeah, at first I was like “wot, there’s a lot missing…”, and now I’m like “there’s a LOT I can do…”. And the more I think about reducing my setup, the more I see possibilities for my M:S. Coupled with some cool articles about minimalism and repetition that I read some days ago, 6 tracks and 12 knobs suddenly seem like a whole universe of sound. I’m even a bit afraid of getting the M:C too soon.

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If anyone’s interested, Thomann has a couple of returned M:C’s in stock for £268/€305.

Due to everyone’s great sounding contributions in the ‘M:C’s only music’-thread, I just had to… Dang it.

edit: Gone now. Must’ve been only two or so then.

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Yeah, it’s a great feature! Definitely my favorite thing about it. I’ve been having a lot of fun with the Cycles. The whole “limitations breed creativity” thing definitely applies to the Cycles.

I really wish they would release that battery handle because this thing would be the perfect portable machine to just carry around everywhere. I’ve made my Digitone and Digitakt portable with a battery pack and the ripcord but the Cycles is just so light and inexpensive that I’d feel much better carrying it around.

Over-all it’s great machine. Total box of Techno!


Well, I’m glad that you clarified that so I didn’t look like some creepy stalker for asking if you were the same Modex/Modey when you’d said you did some patterns for the M:C…

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Pic here:
See this Instagram post by @drumunkey

I’ve got it set up so I can play pads on Nord drum 3p to record into m:c sequencer (for more velocity control) and then also send midi from m:c seq into 3p. Works perfectly.

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haha, the perils of having many different aliases on the internet. I’m sure I’d have more subscribers etc if I just stuck with one name :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve got a rytm mkI and I always think about all the cool stuff I could do with… but never do, as there’s so much “overhead” to use it… for me at least…

M:C is the the closest I’ve come to finding a synth/Groovebox equivalent of just picking up a geetar and jamming… sooo immediate. I’ll prob never even use presets! :crazy_face: just treat it like modular.


Great suggestions! I had no idea the new Launchkey had regular (non usb) midi out! I’ve been looking for a small midi keyboard!

Links please?