
4:07 mark. This guy Elektrons.

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Nah. He uses mechanical midi controllers.
We use pipe wrenches and pliers.

Completely different.


I use calipers and a gear-reduced, precision rotational apparatus.

I’m pretty sure that guy was interviewed by Elektron before - Author and Punisher?


Excellent, we’ve been looking for an opening act.


If you compare the knobs of the M:C with the knobs of the Modal Skulpt, you won’t complain anymore about the M:C’s knobs.


That’s it. Cool video! Could Elektron be behind A/P for his project? Would be cool :wink:

Ok, I’ll go back to my Cycles, it’s begging me to play again.

I really love the compression effect you get with relatively short decay and high distorsion. You can really hear the signal being boosted a lot, makes some great percussions.
It’s lost when you add a lot of tracks, so it’s better to not pile too much.

Love this little machine!
Tone engine is my favorite.


I’d actually say they’re more solid/less wobbly than the encoders on my OB6. which is about ten times the price.


TRUTH (yes, this is a complete sentence)

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You can get it to accept one werd with an emote at the end…

See :+1:t6:

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What? I thought it was impossible.

I have returned the Skulpt to the store instantly after manipulating its knobs.

This machine is so cool, it supposed to be limited? but there is so many great spots, this is great surprise to me, i was expecting way less, and now i feel my bran is much more limited than this machines… great fun, i don’t think i ever had so much fun with synth, i always now what to expect when i program sounds more or less. But with this little box i am constantly suprissed, it really feels like unknown territory for me, but its hard to make stupid sound, everything is interesting to me, very cool macros and interactions between them, hats down @ Ess , and the rest of the guys.
300eur for this? you got a be kidding me, its a gift practically, the way i see it.


I dropped the ball…

with all the talk, demos, samples and tracks…I took some of the money from my A4 sale and got a Cycles :frowning: I really shouldn’t have done this…but damn…it IS instant fun.
never been into small gear, but I really like the size.

ya this thing goes NO WHERE. I mean if I were to use this purely for kicks and snares…its cost is the same as a freaking euro module. this box is ace :+1:t6::+1:t6::+1:t6:

buyers remorse…but not really :grimacing:

for those in Vancouver Long and Mcquade have em in stock


Welcome :metal:

I’m honestly considering getting a second one. Dunno why I’d need it but I just have a desire to own two of them.


I came for the model:cycles talk, I stayed for the Author & Punisher name check! He’s a local San Diego resident, currently touring with Tool. Definitely uses a lot of Elektron stuff. With an Engineering backgound, he designs and builds his own MIDI controllers. I think he’s working out how to bring them to market.


LOL @ all this knob-wobble talk. Your knobs are fine people, put that neuroticism to bed.


To be fair, my M:C knobs do feel different to my M:S.

They don’t wobble like they’ve been beat up, or like @tr909’s OG OTMK1 where he always pushes the encoders in to turn (still usable just very loose), but rather, there is a looseness in the rotational travel that exists before the friction.

It’s noticeable, and different. I’m not sure why. I can understand some of the concern.

But, still, I am not bothered by it. The encoders don’t jump, and they feel a lot like my MF Twister’s encoders, which is relatively solid and I got used to it quick.

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Every time I see this retailer mentioned it reminds me of Chuck Norris getting buried alive in his truck by Bill and his goons, pouring beer over himself then driving it out of the hole, much to the delight of Commander Chakotay before he got inked and embarked on a spacefaring career :rofl:

Back on topic, no abnormal knob wobble here either.

Edit: Context


If you want less wobble try turning down the LFO speed :slightly_smiling_face:

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