Model:Samples Bugs Thread

But the thing is - MS started the saving process itself - I haven’t as I didn’t know batteries are low. Looks like MS felt that batteries are low and started shutdown and saving the project but it was too late - power disappeared before it finished the shutdown. Hm… looks like it doesn’t really work well with batteries of any kind - I think it is one of the reasons there was a recall for the handle - not just overheating.

Samples will not transition to another pattern unless I press the stop button and pick another pattern.
I think I discovered a bug last night while trying to build a live house music set. Its a project that I have had for a few months but yesterday after editing pattern 4, now it will not transition to any other pattern I have in the chain(7 patterns). The screen shows the pattern blinking between the next pattern I want to transition to but never does and the two patterns just blink indefinitely . When I press stop and choose another pattern that is not 4 it works fine and transitions until I choose 4 and it becomes stuck all over again.
What is going on?

My guess is that you’ve configured the change length of pattern 4 to OFF in the scale menu ([FUNC]+[PAGE]).

From the manual:

CHG Change controls for how long the active pattern plays before it loops or a cued (the next selected) pattern begins to play. If CHG is set to 64, the pattern behaves like a pattern consisting of 64 steps regarding cueing and chaining. If CHG is set to OFF, the default change length is INF (infinite) in TRACK mode and the same value as LEN in PATTERN mode

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Well you got me there, I must have changed it to off by mistake. Thank you this saved me a major headache after working on this project for such a long time. Should I delete my original post since this is not a bug?

I wouldn’t delete it. Others may also trip over the same “problem” and so it (+ the solution) can be found.


Hey - I just started a thread about this - I have the same issue! Patterns and even projects are only ‘safe’ if you do a manual shutdown - even if saved manually. Any work I’ve saved since last power is not actually saved unless I do a proper shutdown. It sucks!

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Yes that’s what I’m talking about! Be careful with your power supplies and batterie if so. I lost some nice projects not knowing the issue. For sure the device must be properly powered to not to have such a problems but even power from the wall and power is gone (even if you saved your pattern manually) will wipe everything made by you since the last power up. Manual save function is misleading thing and supposed to be mentioned in the manual.

If you remember to save the project as well as the pattern that won’t happen. But it IS an area where it’s easy to make mistakes.

Just try to create new project > save it> create new pattern, make some beat on it > save the pattern > pull power plug out of the outlet or disconnect power without proper power down> you lost that pattern completely

Yes, I agree. But if you save the project right after saving the pattern, then power down, you don’t lose the pattern, it’s permanently saved in the project slot. That’s what I was trying to say.

EDIT: corrected to what I meant to say.

If you save the project right after saving the pattern, then remove power without a proper power down, you don’t lose the pattern, it’s permanently saved in the project slot.

Yes, but I’m talking about loosing power without proper power down. If you save everything and properly power down - you have no issues but I want people to know that if you accidentally loose power you loose everything from the last power up even if you manually saving your project and pattern every 5 seconds! The only a way to keep your work saved is proper power down.

That’s what I was talking about but i chose the wrong words to express my thoughts. Here it is corrected.

If you save the project right after saving the pattern, then remove power without a proper power down, you don’t lose the pattern, it’s permanently saved in the project slot.

That’s not my experience. In my experience SO LONG AS YOU SAVE TO THE PROJECT, you don’t lose your work if the power is interrupted.

It looks like so to me too. I’m going to try this as I was saving pattern within the project only. I guess it works but still there is no sense as if my project saved in first place and then pattern is saved why would it loose the pattern if project is not saved “again”? Thanks!

I’m going to try this. Actually I don’t have this problem anymore as MyVolts send me a better cable instead of the faulty one but I still wonder :slight_smile:

No probs. It is difficult to get your head round. And unfortunately that all arises from Elektron’s design and lack of documentation. Or perhaps I should say, lack of pointers in the doc to exactly how important this topic is. I didn’t get it completely until a few months ago when, prompted (I think) by your messages on top of many others, I did a few experiments to find out what really was saved in different circumstances.

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Thanks a lot!