Model:Samples Bugs Thread

I think I solved it. I went to Config->Midi->In Chan and changed “T2 In” to something else, like 15. Then I didn’t have the weird issue you noted anymore.

Hello! Can anybody help me with “loop” issue
here is my script of using MS:

  1. focus on T1
  2. than pick up some sample from library
  3. loop mode + endless decay (no patterns, in that case i want to use it as a tape machine)
  4. push the T1 button and start playback (everything is just fine for that step)
  5. than focus on T2 + all the same (loop + decay + sample)
    and the problem is when i push T2 to start my second endless loop i’ve got some issues with T1 playback.

Here is demonstration

I got lattest firmware (1.12). very upset for that bug, thanks for any help.


I’m not able to replicate this. When I follow the exact same steps as you do in your video, I get two samples looping, instead of shutting each other off. Of course, I don’t have the same samples you do. I wonder if could be related to that somehow.

Do you get the same result if you just try looping the default of samples? If so, I’m guessing it’s an issue with your unit.

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Yes, I tried everything I could. Full/Empty MS reset, new project/ “factory-only samples” and etc. Still have that issue. Sent some report to Elektron support. Thank you for you answer.

New firmware is out (1.13) to support the battery handle, but it also fixes some bugs including

“ Notes sent from an external MIDI controller were incorrectly transposed +2 octaves.”

Which has been “bugging” me for two years now.


Not sure if this is a bug, but:

I’m triggering a pattern with an external controller, and sending it the “Start” signal arms the Play button. Then, about 10-12 seconds later (and I don’t think it is even on the beat), the pattern starts.

Next, the “Stop” signal brings the M:S back to this state, and after I send it a “Stop” pattern, in about 10-12 seconds the pattern starts back up.

I’m not sending the M:S a clock, as my controller doesn’t have an internal MIDI clock so I’m sure this is a little bit of an odd use case but still seems like a bit of a bug. Love everything else about it though!

Today I lost all projects in my MS! I Powered MS with external AAA batteries, for some time everything was ok but today when batteries died MS turned off as usually but after putting new batteries and powering it on it appeared that all projects are GONE! More over I can’t load my backed up projects from computer. I have saved them as msprj files. After I load them to MS they simply don’t play. Everything else works fine! I knew that I shouldn’t mess with batteries! This is very bad idea to connect aftermarket PSU, battery supplies to a unit! So I can’t load my projects. I tried factory reset and empty reset - nothing!

So, you load them to the M:S via transfer, they show up in the config (spanner/wrench) menu, but then you load them, and play a pattern, nothing happens ? No lights ? No sound ?

Exactly! Everything seems normal, transfer works fine, MS receives projects ( at least all names of those projects are there) but there is no sound. Even sequencer is empty. Those projects were created sience last year it all my work for the hole year is gone!

Maybe I backed up projects in a wrong manner, but i followed instructions!

Forgive me for asking this, if it’s obvious, but did you ever save your current working project to the project file, either by doing long press func+wrench, or by going into the config menu and doing a save ?

I’m wondering if it’s possible all your projects had a ‘current state’ but no ‘saved state’ ? I know that if working with a new project, if you lose power (as opposed to turning off) then you will lose everything if you haven’t done one of those two save operations. I never tried to figure out what might happen with multiple projects.

EDIT: I may have the details garbled a bit between pattern save and project save (been a while since I used my model:cycles) but the gist of my question remains the same. I’m wondering if all these projects have a current state but no saved state.

That is the question. All projects were in the memory in a saved state. Every time I was able to recall any of them. If you loose power and haven’t saved the project then you loose patterns you are working on, but a I lost projects that were saved on the device! If I would loose power and just loose current unsaved patterns I wouldn’t even write here as it is obvious. Do you know what I have found: EVEN IF YOU SAVE PROJECTS AND PATTERN BY MAKING SAVE PATTERN AND LOOSE POWER AFTER THAT - PATTERNS ARE NOT SAVED! patterns are only saved when you turn the devise off. This is what I have discovered using batteries. I think that’s why they recalled their new battery thing - as you loose projects also sometimes. Maybe there is deeper problem with how the system saves data.

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Projects that I lost had saved and current state. There were 4 projects saved state and one that was current - all gone! More over I can now load my backed up projects (the same as were lost) from my computer as when I load them there is no data in them.

It’s certainly not easy to grasp fully. I tried to do a diagram once of all this (and shared it here somewhere) but after doing it I realised it was incomplete. I suggest to @eangman that the manuals needed such a diagram to address the confusion over project/pattern saving related to power off/lost power.

OTOH I could be wrong, and most people understand it ,and you’ve hit a genuine bug.

I would’t be mad if I lost a couple of current patterns, but projects that were not loaded but were in the memory were wiped. Only names of the projects remained there…

From the moment I bought the device I didn’t like how it saves the projects, handles data. Your pattern saved only of you turn the device off, not when you manually save the pattern. I tried many times. Maybe loosing power is not something MS is always ready but see what happened with me - not just current patterns and project gone, but everything that was stored except for samples! Samples are there.

I have submitted a ticket to Elektron. I can’t load projects from computer - they don’t play and there is no sequencer data in them. HM,…

Glad you managed to get it all working in the end. Has to be said that unexpected power loss has never had that effect on my model cycles, and I suspect it’s rare on the model samples too (with the notable exception of your case). I know power loss can cause a loss of recent unsaved work, that has been reported often, but I don’t remember anyone reporting total loss of all projects. You were unlucky, I think, but it’s still a lesson to m:s owners and probably m:c owners too, to back up regularly.

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I do recall that right before batteries died MS tried to shutdown - the bar appeared on the screen - the same as when turn your device off yourself. So it looks to me that it started saving projects when it felt the battery is low but power disappeared before the save was complete. And I don’t know if when MS saves current project it maybe rewrites the hole memory together with projects that were saved and stored there from the day one and if during the saving process you loose power - you can loose or damage everything.

Sounds like a very plausible explanation for what happened to you.

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