Model Samples : Copy Kit?

Hi guys,

Is it possible to copy a kit from one pattern and paste to another?
I cant seem to find this information anywhere.


Got an answer for this (in-case anyone else is interested)

The active pattern can be copied to another location in the same bank or in another bank. You must deactivate GRID RECORDING mode to perform a pattern copy operation.
Press [FUNC] + [RECORD] to copy the pattern. Select another pattern, and then press [FUNC] + [STOP] to paste the copied pattern to this location. Please note that you can only paste to the currently active pattern.


you’re an MVP for coming back and answering your question for the next person.


thanks:) i had a mental blank this morning. you helped me:) (actually i kinda worked it out but was being a clumsy idiot… you helped me realise whati was being!:slight_smile: