Model Samples cut own loaded sample to a loop, not plays full length

Hi guys. I have a question concerning loading your own samples to model samples.

As I do so, it cuts the sample and put it to a loop. So I wanted to ask if there’s any combination of how to play it full length.

In which Settings i could adjust it?

Thanks for your help✌🏼

I’m guessing if it’s looping then you’ve pressed the loop button (the one labelled with the secondary function ‘quantised’)

And if the sample is cut short you’ve probably played with the sample length knob ?


n make sure sample length is long enough. turn clockwise


Also make sure Decay is set to INF. It’s 64 by default, which would fade out the end of your sample


@pidgeo I like the (cuckoo ?) button customisations :slight_smile:

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yep :wink: